Beach Blanket Boner

Scottio was having a great day at the beach. The sun was out, the waves were rolling gently across the sand, and the dudes were hella hot and wearing only the bare minimum of clothing. The horse boy's eyes scanned the crowd as he laid back on the...

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Patreon Mini-fic #1: DiscoGrowphy

Lance laid in his bed and flipped the large, ornate coin absentmindedly as he stared off into the ceiling. There was nothing to do on campus this time of year; the few students that still remained on campus were busy cramming for their finals. Lance...

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Dinner for Two

Claves sighed happily as he sunk into the hot water of the fresh bath that Leo had drawn for him. Claves hadn't known how exhausted he really was until he finally got around to taking a break. He had been spending all his free time lately flinging...

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Above Average Part 12

John stood staring as Alan approached. He had originally intended to do the gentlemanly thing and help his date get seated, but as the absolutely massive wall of muscle and cock strode towards him, John could think of nothing other than how amazing and...

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Above Average Part 11.

Alan and Steve exited the employee washroom and made their way farther down the service hallway. Alan was soaked in cum everywhere below the ankles, which included the underside of his immense balls, and his huge semi-rigid cock was still drooling pre...

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Scottio, or Scott as his friends called him, flopped down on an empty seat directly across from the sliding doors that served as the entrance and exit to this particular cabin of the subway. He had been poring over line after line of code for hours and...

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Mask of the Mirror

Claves was once again on the prowl, hopping from roof to roof with the greatest of ease in spite of the massive, waist thick dong that dangled down to his ankles and the accompanying beach ball sized nuts that sloshed audibly with jizz. Clad in just a...

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Above Average Part. 10

Alan shifted his weight as best he could. By the time he had managed to get somewhat comfortable, he was resting sideways on the back seat of Steve's car with his enormous, muscular butt pressed against the door. His gigantic balls spilled over into...

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Into the Archive

Claves leapt effortlessly from rooftop to rooftop in spite of the gigantic cock that dangled down to his ankles and the two humongous, beach ball sized nuts that swung down around his knees. He was currently clad in just a pair of lightweight, cobalt...

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Above Average Part 9.

Alan arbitrarily dumped his various schoolbooks and other objects back into his backpack as he rushed to get ready to leave. He had been showing off so much that he had completely lost track of the time. If he didn't hurry he was going to be late for...

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Trial by Fire

The entire campus was abuzz with the rumors of a new student. For most normal schools, a new student would be nothing to write home about, but this was Vanda Academy, the most prestigious and powerful institute of arcane learning in all of the realms....

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Above Average Part 6.

Alan yawned contentedly as he stirred from his slumber. He had slept like a rock last night. He must have been more exhausted than he thought because that lumpy old couch felt like a king size four-poster bed at a five star resort. It probably didn't...

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