Trapped in a Box

We may be catholic, but we're not the fire and brimstone type, and we don't do the whole "answers in genesis" science denial thing either. he might be even willing to join us. it would certainly simplify things on the home front.

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The Stallion's Treasure (pt 1)

Under the pall of the brimstone lamps loading engines chuffed along rusting steel tracks, and longshoremen spat brownish phlegm on the cobblestones.

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Well, Sometimes... #1

It stank of sulfur, burned like a brimstone, and left every last fiber of my being and person feeling... empty. i couldn't see anything, but i knew it was her cum... demon cum. it had burned and branded my soul, and...

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Sands of Existance

There were still horrific stories told about what the magic's from the old country could do, most of them fire and brimstone but terrible none the less.

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Dawns Darkness Prologue

Desert to 'hilly' forest to a regon that defys the laws of nature and physics, where crystals that resimble the ones that make up clark kents fortress of solitude in the tv show 'smallville' replace trees and mountians and snow is covering the ground while brimstone

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Red Stage Tales #3 - Leg Night

Nightshade coughs from the smoke and smell of brimstone that fills the air. "why can't they just leave like normal people, the smell is going to stick to my fur for days. it's a shame though, for a demon from hell, he's really cute."

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King of Men

With fire and brimstone in his voice the king snarled "do not scooble with me especially over a few petty coins. you will accept this offer and take your standard profit for the year.

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TCN Interview, Robert Orr

I'm gay, so you can imagine how i felt about all the fire and brimstone the catholic spewed when i was younger. my parents aren't' religious either, but back then the school were all religious, so yeah, i had to endure a lot of it.


Good and Evil ... after hours

What about the pearly gates, and heaven, and damnation, and fire and brimstone, and all that stuff?" mal nodded excitedly as he tried to drink his beer. "oh yeah! this is where it gets good.

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YCHtober Day 31: Myu's Surprise

There was fire, brimstones, and people screaming for help. a familiar equine anthro in a purple robe walked out from the portal, and the portal shut afterwards. "hey. sorry i'm a bit late. someone wanted to have a small party for me.

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The Holy Mountain of Vengeance

Of seven rivers, where the gates of death are builded, stands a mountain (i can see it on the days when clouds are lifted) that is sacred to odurum of the everlasting anger, (who sets the forest blazing with his everlasting anger,) they say it vomits brimstone

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blackest heart chapter 3

He pauses in thought his mind desperately trying to fit all these clues to gather but failing miserably until his eyes fell once more to that painting the dragons black eyes, sparkling like onyx then an other smell, burning ash, brimstone his heart stop as

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