Beyond the Call

Beyond the call "there's one! the tall girl in the green dress." packard, or pak as his friends called him, glanced briefly in the direction the younger hyena was pointing. his gaze settled on a slim, seductive vixen.

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The Call of the Abyss

He called upon every last bit of energy in his body to bring life back to the cold pandaren, but nothing would bring warmth back to those paws.

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The Service Call

It had been almost four hours and twenty minutes since he had called and since he'd last used his computer, and he was quite anxious for the other dragon to arrive.

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Unexpected Call

ERR! ERR! ERR! ERR! ERR! The blue bunny groaned, rolling over in his bed his paw fumbled for the snooze button, to end the ever annoying rant of the alarm. He realizes too late, however, where on the bed he was. With a surprised yelp, he fell out of...

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Call of the Wild

"megahaeton..." the lion said, kissing the boy's cheek softly, "...but you may call me haeton. it is a privilege to use that name; after all, i am the king of these jungles. you are very welcome to use it, ryan."

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The Phone Call

Anyway, i had asked him if he wanted me to call. had i known what was to come, i would have called him sooner! the phone call started in it's usual way, the sexual innuendos, the flirting, the jokes and such.

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Call of the cuckoo

For no reason he started calling from work, just to say he loved me.

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Judgement Call

[authors note: this story does not contain any sexually explicit material, this is an older story called death call that i had written back in high school. it had dealt with my though process on having a member of our u.s.

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Casting Call

Casting call by: dsvid13 ([[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)) (this story contains fursuit nc bondage, hypnosis, and other wholesome activities.

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Roll Call

#1 of pet shop patrol roll call disclaimer: all persons, locations and situations depicted in this story are fictitious and copyrighted to michael t.

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Wakeup Call

"can i get another wakeup call at nine?" roan asked glancing at the clock that now read 8:30 in neon red digital numbers.

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Taking Calls

Like aven's philosophy, the less compatible calls came more frequently than ones who were compatible- compatible for entertainment and ratings, that is. the enjoyment being sucked out so early made for what he and jerry calls a dead night.

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