An Unlikely Companion chap. 1

Will sighed then shook his head at nick while running off towards chad. "hey chad wait up!" will shouted while catching up to him. chad didn't stop until will cut him off in front of him. "hey i'm sorry for what nick said back there.

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Revenge of the Rodents

That is, unless he was bi, which he seemed to be, possibly, considering the way he had been looking at chad all day. but chad being chad, was too nice to risk offending a customer. especially a guy like this.

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my teacher got into my pants 2

She watch as chad fell asleep on his desk.

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One Night at The Den

For a moment, part of his body was hidden by chad's hips and thighs, but soon they could tell the massive male was sliding down into chad's nuts.

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leiric does it again

The final taste before the send off. " well chad this is it" lieric swallows the chad and walks to the kitchen with a full stomach,opens the door,and grabs the cake. " you shouldn't of made that bet chad." are the final words chad hears before he is covered

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One day

chad hated dressy cloths but this wolf looked funny in it, it was all chad could do to suppress a laugh.

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What You Always Wanted (M/M) (Pt. 10 of "Under The Devil's Eye")

chad, slightly confused but still riled, clambered up to all fours and slid off the bed. "mmmf. fine." chad took off with the clap of boot heels. hawk snorted, rising out of bed and languidly following after chad, cigar pushed back into his muzzle.

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A New Life

The guard eventually brought some bandages which san used to bandage chad's injured leg. time flew by after that as chad and san chatted rarely as chad was still a little shocked at his new life.

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A New Life Chapter 2

chad and backlasher....fight!" no sooner than the announcer said the words fight backlasher flung himself towards chad. chad dropped down and slid between his legs slashing at his ankles but missing.

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The Luck of the Irish

Said chad "good well you be having a good night now chad." said colleen kissing him then walking back into the pub chad made his way back to the hotel and once there he passed out with out even getting undressed.

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