Little Talks Chapter 3

I swear it is trist's life goal to make me clifford. "b-b-but i'm not allergic to sex now am i?" ha! i had him. "\*achem\*" he coughed. oh no. i know that clearing of his throat.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 2

One more thing, we need to investigate a man named clifford quentin." "i've heard of him," bright heart spoke up, "ceo of a company called quentin enterprises. don't know much about what his company does though."

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The all-mighty clifford, head of the alphas, stuck to a gloryhole by the knot?" the wolf said. "told ya," the coyote said still grinning. "couldn't believe it myself but pictures don't lie." cliff snarled straight at them. "the fuck?

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Take it as a Compliment

There was marigold clifford, on the board of some charity he couldn't remember that spent more money on gala events than the people it claimed to champion. she could open doors for him.

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Part XVI - Still as the Silence Round About His Lair

It wasn't usually the director of photography's job, on these shoots, to do this kind of groundwork. Finding sources for local legends, or the locals who could tell them, was something the writers/hosts/directors/producers had always handled. And yes,...

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The Woods, Pt. 4: An Evening at the Estate

I started going to the company gym, and one of the plant managers - clifford, a tiger the size of a house - would gave me pointers. he was nice, except he didn't want anyone to know that.

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Part VII - Who Are You, Taking Coffee No Sugar

Leo came down in the morning without a shirt. He'd woken up to find it gone from the neat pile on the floor. "Huh," Will hadn't sounded surprised. "Guess you're not wearing a shirt today then, pup." The living room held only that dim, clear, faintly...

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Unemployed, Ch. 7: If the Mood's Right

clifford had agreed, though-he was aware of that, right? "okay, i know it looks strange, but i had to make a deal with the guy," miles bargained.

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Chapter 3 -- Risking for a God

"clifford, i will thank you to let me teach the class, and with better choice of verbiage." the professor glared at the lizard with a growl, his adult draconic form still rather menacing when he chose to make it so.

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08b - The Song of the Otter - Part 2

He reached out his hand to clifford and kirk, and the two took his hand in their paws. clifford bent down to the hand, pressed his lips against it, and kissed it. "you gay guys don't give up, do you?" matthew said, struggling to get out the words.

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Part XII - The Marks of Wanton Hunger

"What about Thursday?" "Won't he have," Sam didn't bother getting up from the couch, "work in the morning?" "He oughta have enough PTO to take one day off, though," Will yelled up the basement stairs. "It's at least worth asking!" \> Thurs? "You...

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Part XI - That You and He Might Touch Each Other

The thing about profound, transformative experiences--an evening spent on your knees in the upper bathroom of the Stag, for example--is they transform only you. The rest of the world, and your daily life in it, cares very little. It carries on much the...

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