
His cloacal vent pressed against her vaginal vent. his ridged cock was hugged and squeezed by her slick walls.

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...And Action!

She felt a familiar warmth in her diaper but not wanting to completely use her diaper, she clenched her cloacal sphincter tight. the _deinonychus_ looked at her glass of water and then at her bright green cloth diaper.

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New Year Baby

cloacal beads. coat hanger abortions. " the _deinonychus_chittered in amusement as her card was read aloud. tthall pointed to the young woman. "you're the next card czar.

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Character for Shadowrun Story: Franz

His gentals changed and withdrew themselves into his body leaving a cloacal sheath. finally his eyes took on a lizard-like quality. he then fell into a coma.

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Study Session (M wolf / M donkey)

"it's called a cloacal. and it's not nearly as obnoxious as what some species have dangling between their legs. like equines." kevin arched a brow at the wolf. "oh, that so mr. 6 inches?"

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Tahgos, Master of Torturos

The spear-pointed end of kalaburr traced the opening of dahlin's sensitive cloacal vent, dragging the wicked-sharp tip. his breaths came in short, sharp gasps, each carrying a scream of horror.

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Love at First Swallow

When he climbed out her open mouth, she licked him gently, lapping off any remaining cum that lingered around his cloacal opening. laying back once more, ambri closed her eyes, purring softly.

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Savagery -chapter 1

The lack of mammaries and cloacal slits, probably. but with the furred ones, gender was quite obvious most of the time. the alphas, of course, got served first.

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Tilted Scales - Part 1 (Preview)

And the ones where her legs met were smaller and nearly pink, outlining a puffy cloacal slit. merick quickly looked away from it's... her... private parts and then saw the dragon's problem.

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Falco's New Friend

Another push, a more forceful one in fact, pushing the rest of the length that filled him up and the girth that spread his cloacal walls. "" now, marque was nearly at a loss for words.

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The professor meets Rasmus

Don lay across me, spent, while i finally got a measure of pleasure from the warmth of his body, and the gift of his seed deep up in my gut, pooling in the pouch formed inside the lips of my cloacal vent.

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Pokemon Night Care

The scents enveloping the room seemed to have caused some manner of arousal in the wild pokémon, as a short tip peaked free from his cloacal lips, glinting with moisture.

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