Lion's Karma

I wanna play ddr with him..." andrew hung up the phone after the third cut-off attempt to say something to daniel. he closed his laptop and reclined his seat for the rest of the ride.

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Chapter Seven

Cicero's ddr ledger, containing transactions that comprised votes made, bounties collected, and comments posted.

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Beautiful Twilight: Of Promises and Punishement

Playing that new ddr game they put in." spark said slowly, her arms crossed her eyes closed, tail giving an irritated swish behind her. marsten's muzzle dropped open at the accuracy of that statement. every single syllable filled with truth.

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The Nexus Island Resort - Day Four

"wait a second, isn't this just ddr?" he asked as he looked at the two dance pads and the screen with arrows floating up from the bottom.

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Roommates - "These Are My Reflections" Chapter 3

It was as if he could detect the very moment that a ddr mat was being laid on the ground, and he would be on the scene. and then no one else could hope to win.

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My Sacrifice

After the third round of ddr, you were all over daniel. he pushed you away but you wouldn't stop trying to kiss all over him. he still resisted you and then you pipe up, "what's the matter sexy? you wanted me soooo bad this morning. why not here?"

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He found out that daniel loved ddr and played guitar. but he was considering a switch to drums. he also learned that he was a martial artist. that could come in handy later. the information just kept flooding.

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Tara's Sleepover Nightmare

Tara said cutting into the conversation "ddr really wore me out. i'm not as in shape as you two." sarah shook her head and came over, sitting in the big plush chair next to the couch. " you two complain too much" she said with a sigh.

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a painful day

"but i can't use it i don't know how to use it" " just do exactly as i say thank you for this as a video game ddr" red said trying to giving her confidence, tsume nodded as she told the kid to stand back and draws her sword as the two stood

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Let the Vacation Begin

She resolved to still make a night of it and at least get a drink and see if this techno shit is as easy to dance to in real life as it is on ddr. waiting in the line with the constant beat pounding through the wall was almost more than she could stand.

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Tales of Jasper I

Jasper tore into the wrapping and found that she had gotten him a ddr game, and the latest e rated rpg for his game console in his room. he bowed and thanked her, smiling back to her.

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Part I: Fragments of a Memory, Scattered Breadcrumbs

The type of ddr ram he ordered wasn't even the type his server took anyway.

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