Test of direct c&p formatted text from LyX

Test: Format Part Test: New Chapter Test: New Section Test: New Sub-section Test: New Sub-sub-section This is just a test to try out SoFurry's enhanced editor wether the formatting will be taken over from LyX in the correct way -- as...

Guardian Without Direction Chapter 7: Driving a Hard Bargain

Guardian without direction chapter 7: driving a hard bargain "alex!" min nearly shouted at me.

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Guardian Without Direction Chapter 5: Spicy Morning Coffee

Looking in the direction of cyns his head, i saw that he was now firmly pressing himself into my pillow, cramping his muzzle shut while moaning silently with closed eyes.

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Lasagna Thoughts v1 - Opinions About My Life And Its Direction

Lasagna Thoughts #1 - Opinions About My Life And Its DirectionSimply put, I feel like it's going nowhere in particular. There's just too much to think about and so little time to achieve it all. All this time I've been confident that one special person...


Guardian Without Direction Chapter 2: My strange damsel in distress

_i could wander back to central goldenroad... take a one way bus that is running in the right direction.... but that would take me at least... two hours??!

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Spyro barely had time to think of it as he saw himself having to dodge yet another attack that came into his direction. spyro jumped and twisted out of the way of the claws that came in his direction.

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Aspiring Authors Toll Road to Publication

Both amazon (with kindle direct publishing) and barns and noble offer this service directly without the need to go through a third party.

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Voyager: Chapter 16

Primary directive had an insatiable thirst for knowledge about everything. he had to know everything about everything. it was his purpose and as primary directive, his desires became the wants of the others. infiltration had received his orders.

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Left 4 dead: Introduction

There was a loud roar, and suddenly, a car was sent flying in their direction.

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digi kimi Chapter 12: A show to remember

'new direction,' ran off stage and the mayor came back on introducing the duet, which was about to perform.

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Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 9: A Change of Pace

He gave the voljoi a light nudge in the correct direction, the gray needed no further coaxing; he quickly changed direction and headed back down the hall. kamrn pushed through the crowd ordering people to go back the other direction.

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