The Doctors of Doom, Part One

Thunk! The moss-covered rock hit the chain once more. Murdoch, sweating, grunted and raised it over his head again. He was a big kat, muscles bulging through the prison-issue white shirt and plain brown pants he was wearing. He and four other...

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The Doctors of Doom, Part Two

Megakat city could already be doomed. but callie would worry about that later. right now, she needed to get herself and dr. belljar to safety. she wasn't going to do any good if she got bitten and became a ci-kat-a herself. dr.

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The Doctors of Doom, Part Three

A free-for-all erupted. The Ci-Kat-A rushed forward and quickly tried to overwhelm the three Enforcers. The second convict and a Ci-Kat-A drone leaped onto Felina and King, but she and her pilot managed to shake them off, flipping themselves over...

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The Doctors of Doom, Part Five

Manx Municipal Park was bustling with activity that warm, sunny day. Picnicning families lay on blankets and ate food. Cyclists pedaled along the bike paths that wound through the park's sparsely-forested landscape. The enormous statue of Mayor Manx...

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The Doctors of Doom, Part Four

Back in the main lab, the SWAT Kats watched with gritted teeth through the broken windows. "Come on, let's get to the Turbokat!" T-Bone said. "No way, buddy," said Razor "Those bug-eyed bandits are long gone by now." T-Bone sighed. "Good...

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The Doctors of Doom, Part Eight

Outside, the Enforcers were licking their wounds after the thrashing Street had given them. A few were tending to the commando who'd been flung against the side of the car earlier. Wrecked vehicles lay strewn about the power plant lot. Suddenly, they...

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The Doctors of Doom, Part Nine

Of course, his freedom, and, indeed, his survival, depended on the authorities succeeding at the megakat nuclear plant. if they failed, megakat city was doomed and so was he.

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A Tale of Ashen Wings - Chapter 6: The Doom Viper

The doom viper smashed into the wall of the tunnel, the sudden crushing force stole akalgan's grip away from him and dropped him to the floor with a groan. hissing, the doom viper wasted no time in coiling up around its prey.

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Rising Anew -Chapter 10, Old Enemies cont.-

Rising Anew -Chapter 10, Old Enemies cont.- Narcenac heard each peel of the battle bells grow quieter as he ran. Those blades of death clashed over and over and he was left wondering how his grandfather was fareing. He had not known his grandfather...

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Trials of Love, the Frostclaw Chronicles 9

It is up to peridot to step up and become the heroine to save the planet from the impending doom brought by seven sharp blades of darkness. this story is connected to actual lore.

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Last Family Dinner Before the Apocalypse [DIRTY]

It was _not_ anything daniel needed to hear but he had a bile fascination with the scientific details of everyone's impending doom. there was something relaxing about it even, so daniel kept the radio on.

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Bigger Bad Rap

"The object should be somewhere around here!" The trio of Raptors, Bad Rap, Haxx, and Spittor were looking about, attempting to find an ancient artifact that the purple Raptor had uncovered in some research. It had been written that it would make...

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