Painkiller It's shiny and brand new, clasped in my paw My bottle of extra strength painkiller, Acetaminophen 500mg to be exact. Before I can think twice I've already taken two, I'm sitting in my Chevy Cruze, Waiting for the effects to...
What Remains of Yourself
Boots? Check. Knee-high stompers with buckles from ankle to top. Dark enough brown to pass for black. Cradled the paws oh-so-nicely. Leggings? Check. Clingy and stretchy, form-fitting. Dark enough red to pass for brown. Showed off those big,...
The Wound before the Warrior
"nah we're cool," jasper answered for the two of them, gripping chris' paw under the table to stop it from shaking, knowing damn well even a lesser drug could send him spiraling back down into relapse, "the drinks are fine sir."
Gravity ch8
While his legs couldn't support him at the moment, if his arms were free he'd no doubt be trying to shove more drugs into his system.
Bonded by Love Chapter 1 The Talent Show
Nathanial winked back at the large black wolf. Jack just waved back and in his green eyes showed signs of love, happiness, and hope. Nathanial smiled and turned back around. All the stares in the audience made him feel uneasy but he pressed on. As the...
project wolfsoul: chpt 2: used.
#2 of project wolfsoul **warning// this chapter includes drug dealing scientists using wolves to smuggle drugs into france. if you don't approve of this. don't read, and if you do read and don't like it for that reason. it's your own stupid fault (don't bitch
project wolfsoul: chpt 3: what i'd give to have her back
These drugs are uncomfortable" the male scientist took my leash "come on. the sooner we can get the packages to the client the sooner we can get away from here" they took us to a dark looking building and knocked on the door.
Delirium 2
"i didn't drug him. he's sick." the white dog pulled his knees up and looked back at the door. "why are you and he in there naked? and you kissed him! what kind of idiot takes a sick fur into a shower to make out?
Keep Fighting
Keep Fighting By Dominicus Keep Fighting, don't let go. Don't let the sickness take hold! Can't let it! No, Don't!!! I can feel the hunger taking in, the bloodlust.. No Hope, No Life.. Only Undead Remain now.. I can't join them, I...
Jared and Gnat - Part Three - Introspection
Rough, spitting, sweating, bitter submission was the only thing hard and real in his life when the music stopped and the drugs ran dry. he enjoyed it less for the sensation and more for because it was actually there, and he was in the moment.
Karter's story Chapter 5: Reunion
Fiction at this point but has some mentions of in life past experiences and places i've been to... debating if my stories are more adult rated since the next few chapters relates to drug usage from how life got over the years so i'm not sure about all ages
The Fox Cult Pt.8
Alarms began to blare and the radio mounted to Queenie's armor lit up. The two main words Alex could catch were "Attack" and "Vehicle Bay" Sera hoisted Alex to his feet and turned to her desk and ripped open a drawer. She slapped a revolver into Alex's...