The Dragons of Tyr

In the midst of the gathering, gracie found john hugging a large golden eagle. she shook with surprise, thinking the eagle to be justin, but when she looked more closely, she realized the eagle was female. and then it dawned on her who the eagle was.

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Spiritual age chapter six: An uncertain truth

During the scuffle, both she and the eagle had scratched each other, although the eagle fared a bit worse than she did. the eagle tried to attack her again, only for eileen to shout a few words, blaring some wind back at the eagle, sending it flying.

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Alex Eagle - A gryphon in any situation

Alex eagle - a gryphon in any situation alex eagle is (c) to his creator \*\*\* - this text contains graphic adult material like sex and violence.

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The Amphitrite Files - Where Eagles Dare

You'll find salvation comes from the most unlikely of places - eagle eye."_this had her on edge. "who the fuck is this eagle eye?!?" they didn't have time to deliberate before a pair of vehicles pulled up.

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Norfall's Silver Eagles - Part 1

#1 of norfall's silver eagles chapter one of the norfall's silver eagles story. originally conceptualized as the background story for my current dungeons and dragons character, it kind of spun off into a full-fledged story.

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Daughters at the Park—NC

Alex nudged her again and pointed to the swing set, where a certain wedge-tailed eagle was peeking bashfully out from behind one of the supporting poles.

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Daughters at the Park

Alex nudged her again and pointed to the swing set, where a certain wedge-tailed eagle was peeking bashfully out from behind one of the supporting poles.

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Aria's Tale- Chapter 2 *Father Roehns*

The townspeople were affectionate of the old man, and they said that the father could raise people up on his eagle's wings to bring them closer to god.

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Past, Present, and Future

Joshua was another co-worker of theirs, a bronze eagle, who worked next to security, but also had a 'comfy' desk job. they would see each other at the gym regularly.

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Chapter One: The Meeting

Chapter One The Meeting The sky turned dark as it grew later. Everything seemed to be calm in this small country town. Everyone slept soundly in their beds as the clocks turned midnight, their quiet ticking could be heard as a soft breeze passed...

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