Feline people roleplay.

Seemigly half of the world has been turned into feline people. feline people are cats that can walk talk, wear clothes, are human sized. and have human hair (very similar to some fursona.

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A Pair of Demanding Felines

One paw from each feline wrapped around his cock, with one taking the lower half of the shaft, and the other working precum from the tip down into the rest of the pulsing flesh.

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The feline forest guardians

He was in pain as he became a feline and he was still a male. his urges were in control as he was being pleasured anally and evicting his male human seed.

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New Found Feline

She had never felt like this before, greatly attracted to the feline before her.

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Feline, Canine, and In-Between

#1 of feline, canine, and in-between feline, canine, and in-between: chapter 1 two bodies sprawled nude on the ground of the alley, a fox and a husky. another knelt above them. blood and his tears stained the cold, dry cement of the sidewalk.

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Land of the Feline 1

Dies ist die erste Geschichte, die ich schreibe, ich hoffe, sie gefällt euch. Vorher ein paar Warnungen: Enthält Teen(PreAdult) und Scat. Chris ist ein 12 jähriger Junge einer eigentlich ganz normalen Familie. Er beginnt sein erstes...

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A Reptile in a Feline's World

Welcome to theme night at the feline conspiracy!" the lion grinned, offering a paw in my direction, which i just grasped and shook tightly.

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Midnight Merriment of the Feline

Midnight merriment of the feline â â â â â the end of the bed was sagging under their combined weight. the ebony cat couldn't help but shudder under the tender kisses being placed upon her neck and the soft touch on her thighs.

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To Woo a Feline (Rewrite)

Thankfully many of the girls - primarily feline - shared living quarters, so most of their coaches should be through the woods by now.

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A Feline's Hypnotic Vacation

A feline's hypnotic vacation life has been rather... comforting for meowth after having decided to relax in the alola region.

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Feisty Feline Lovers

** **male on male anthro feline action, anal, masturbation.** **if you have a thing for cats, then this story is for you. enjoyed it? i kindly ask you to take into account my following requests.

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Feisty Feline Friends

Have a crazy cat man snatch you out of a feline shelter and bring you home among even more cats! for makuta, that doesn't seem to be much of an issue. he lived among felines and knew how to behave around them... or did he?

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