Surface (Chapter 2)

She'd thought she was a more hideous beast than frankenstein's monster and the phantom of the opera combined, and said she'd have had to have become the invisible man before feeling ready to go out in public, and not just for the invisible part.

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Infections and Love: Chapter One

After i finished my check i twisted my wrist for the frankenstein creation to move ahead . i placed my feet on the peddles and drove on up the slight hill and out to the open road.

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My life with blaziken chapter 20

He said while we were watching the original frankenstein movie. "you know what would make this movie better?" i asked him. i knew he would never guess the answer. "bread" he said... i stand corrected.

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The Runt: An Unexpected Guest

Liliana standing near the entrance to the hallway that led towards the kitchen, and she was dressed as a nurse, while arthur, holding the camera, was wearing a frankenstein's monster mask.

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Werewulf part 7

She tossed him a winter hat with a little frankenstein monster on it. "does this matter to you that much?" kyle asked seriously, putting the hat on.

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Learning to Fly

"good morning frankenstein." he said jokingly. i giggled a bit and went to get out of bed. "wait! don't move! i'm gonna go grab some breakfast, and then afterward, we can have a know!" i giggled once more, blushing like a little girl.

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Hope under the stars

Ender handed jacob a stuffed kitty that looked like a frankenstein monster with different body parts stitched together at the moment he reached over and took it from enders hands jacob giggled and hugged him tight leaving ender frozen and slightly unsure as

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Don and Jake - Chapter 12

Don, the giant brown bear, looked incredibly dapper as an ursine dracula, his own incisors augmented with a longer plastic pair and a cape that went all the way down to mid-calf; andrew and katie were the frankenstein monster --hence the electrodes-- and his

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Shocking Experience

There was a caterwol from the bathroom and mander pokes her head out; her hair resembling the bride of frankenstein. "freakin' a, you nutjobs, either warn me or wear a condom made of real rubber!"

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21 Days and Counting

What was he, doctor frankenstein with his tesla coils? it felt like my cock had been tied into one. it took me until day 13 before i started to beg.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom: chapter 1 - Curtain

My frankenstein car. my rust-bucket patchwork covered little monster. great on gas, always starts, never have to wash it. mom said i could use it for my, well my early learning period.

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Through Fire and Flames, Part 1

Mick fell down on his butt as he realized what was inside was no frankenstein or werewolf, but instead a rather large reptile. peacefully resting, the abnormally big scaly creature seemed to be as sedated as bob had claimed.

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