Lee and Mina (Episode 1)
At that time, the goth girls got the catapault set to be fired, making sure that it would hit "lee" when it was triggered.
When Dawn meets Dusk: Part 1
, you don't seem like the goth music type" dusk said.
When Val met Jess part 1
Val looked after the group of goths as they headed off to their classes. she remained seated for a while, pondering all that had just happened.
When Val met Jess, part 1
Val looked after the group of goths as they headed off to their classes. she remained seated for a while, pondering all that had just happened.
Blind as a Bat
He relaxed and slowly leaned onto vince's shoulder, closing his eyes, passing out against the goth's shoulder.
A Seedy Winter
She said in sympathy for damien, the goth leopard, "i hope it won't be long before i get to take lithium's virginity....i'm fed up with waiting..." the bunny said, "don't worry alice..."
Highschool Terror (Part one)
"uhgh, whatever, gothic bitch." ululatus just lay his head down on the table, to make sure that nobody saw him crying silently.
Horses in the Back
Javelin pumped the remaining seed inside the goth roan mare. then he needed time to catch his breath. "holy fuck, jav!", sally puffed. "you fuck like a powerful god!", she added.
Halloween Happy Ending
It was a big, gothic manor on a hill, with tombstone-grey paint and a front porch whose wooden floors and steps creaked like the gate to a crypt.
Blackfox: recorded mission one: No fair
This is my first story ok, i started it out to be a gothic blood bath, then i wanted to add some sexyness which turned into some comedy, inform me of any rules that come with writing storys or some code. be harsh, i can take it , tell me what you think!
Part 2) He Is Awake
"for a goth dingo, he sure is perky...", thought dante, even though he had known this being for a good long time. "i've got to hand it to you virgil...you've always been dependable." , said dante.
Roads in the Night teaser (1)
This was probably the reason she had walked into this store for gothic and emo clothing with her today. she realized she must have been daydreaming, as the bat poked her nose with a giggle. "what?