Tale of two worlds two

gregg pointed at his eyes. "but your eye coloring will draw attention." davina nodded.

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Operation: Echo Chapter 1 - Recon

gregg called back. "zulu beaker?" the cartier asked. "you're a scientist right?" amy called out "it fits you" cartier shook his head as he pointed to a gathering of trees. "lets start over here" he lead the group.

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Take this Job and...

"let's just say that fletcher gregg and i didn't exactly see eye to eye on the direction he's been taking sf over the last few years. i let him know it in no too few words.

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gregg bid kael and her goodbye, then left as well, leaving her and the young wolf alone. giving a smile and wincing as her arm twinged, she offered the hilt of the sword to the wolf.

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The Blakes and The Greys Chapter 11: Kody and Hubert

His response only made the raccoon giggle more as he came to the realization that he was reacting the same way mike and helen had when he'd told them that rj was a raccoon, the same way that rj's family had reacted when they'd met him, though, rj's brother gregg

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Merlin's Revenge Chapter 22

They knew the exact time because gregg tailor was timing it. she stood up as a brand new, something. no one was sure what she was supposed to be. paul went to see for himself and walked in to see she was fielding questions from others.


A Patient in Palmetto - Epilogue

It read gregg avenue. "hm, where do i remember that from?" then his gps interrupted his train of thought when it said, "you have reached your destination."

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Selmers: "i thought you and gregg loved those things?" mae: "we do! but the pretzels are the only ones i can steal." selmers: "......." selmers: "oh." mae: "come on!"

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Beatrice Santello - a little pre-NitW fanfiction

Angus was fun, but she always felt like a third wheel these days with gregg always around since the two had moved in together. now mae was off to college, off to a new life, while the highlight of her week was a day off from the pickaxe.

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Beatrice Santello Part 2 - #1

With angus and gregg leaving soon, she'd need that even more. she wasn't as good as germ, and bea would never leave her alone at the pickaxe, but she could still do odd jobs around the place.

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Beatrice Santello (Ch 9) - Gravity

Just... don't tell angus or gregg yet. let me and casey tell them." "no problem." the bell rang. a regular. bea looked up, dusted herself off and opened the door. "hey germ, can you do the back room? i'd like to get that done too this morning.

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Kinktober Day 8: Breeding / Body Mod / Sensory Deprivation

I'd been tempted to continue with gregg and the bikers (from prompt 6), but decided i'd either save them for another prompt, or a full story down the line.

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