Wardrobe Malfunction

With one quick motion, he ripped tessaiga from tessaiga no saya and delivered a quick kaze no kizu, obliterating the y?kai. "kagome, are you okay?" he asked. kagome nodded.

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What are we Supposed to do Now?

"kaze! (ka-zeh)" the man shouted. the wind began to blow violently and it was pushing kage backwards while hikarume's dragon held it's footing. hikarume glared at the man and shouted, "who are you and why are you kidnapping our friend!?"

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Chronicles of Urf: Welcome to Arak

"true, he's bigger than kaze that's for sure but i doubt he'd compare to the likes of tommen." alfina said a sly tone. i could tell that she was the one slowly pumping my cock with both hands.

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Ash: Welcome to Arak

"true, he‘s bigger than kaze that‘s for sure but i doubt he‘d compare to the likes of tommen." alfina said a sly tone. i could tell that she was the one slowly pumping my cock with both hands.

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Smart Poisons - 5 - Training

Aya, formerly known as kaze komedoku, was a male, white-scaled snake. he was currently on a surgery table. doctors were all around him. to in particular made regular visits and stayed the longest: rower and kenson.

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Smart Poisons - 4 - Cleanliness

Aya, formerly kaze, turned to look at the little bathroom. he took a deep breath, went through the routine of cleaning himself and his tail, and found new clothes waiting for him in the airlock. he blinked a few times.

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Daemon Juice - Another Time Another Place

Kail tried to remind himself of the things his friend kaze had told him online. you couldn't expect people to come up to you, you had to go to them and make an impression! well, that was a project for another day.

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A Mouse and her Dragon

_A Mouse and Her Dragon_ _Good Morning_ _The sun peaked over the mountain top, bathing the small town with warm morning sunlight. Just to the back right of the town was a small patch of houses, in one of them lived a dragon and a mouse. Very...

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Xavier's new hope part 11

Chapter 11: A new life Johana Screamed in pain as sweat built up in her fur. Now damp, She gritted her teeth as she used all her strength to push. Female furs around her to help her, She held metal bars afraid to hurt the others as she screamed and...

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Xaviers new hope part 10

Chapter 10 : WAR! Xavier stood quietly as the wind blew calmly across the city streets, He smirked to him self. Zak and Siera join him, by his sides all ready for battle. The dragon stood on the roof of a skyscraper holding a modifyed .50 caliber...

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Blood of a hero part three

The woman sat there with a sigh, she leaned back and took a drink of a soda. Her glasses ontop of her head, she took them down and claned them. "After you escaped what happened?" She asked. Raz only smirked as he exhaled the smoke from his nostrils,...


HIghschool Romance 3

King blinked waking up to a loud buzzing noise. He rubbed his eyes as he sighed. He noticed his phone was vibrating on his side table and he grabbed it. Flipping the phone open, the bright neon white screen blinked. Bold black letters across the...

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