The Lucky Ones: A Prologue

He was used to sleeping with his head against the glass of a moving locomotive. his compartment was empty save for his work and himself. henry opened his eyes to see the city of los angeles pass him by.

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Heavy Vore

Her pelvic motors whirr with excitement, generating more lubricant than is necessary for locomotion. it is essential for her excitement.

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Serenifi: Great Scott! Part III: Scene 7

Pepe: is zis locomotive headed for los angeles, yet destined to become ze setting for a later chase scene? ticket guy: sure is! pepe: un billet, s'il vous plait.


Serenifi: Great Scott! Part III: Scene 5

Just pray that no-one minds that one locomotive in their transportation system is gone, and that the barnes-and-noble won't plummet and go all michael bay on you. random guy: who's michael bay? lexi: .......

Bio-Morph FAQ 1

Adapted to bipedal locomotion they can do quadrupedal movement if they wanted to. they also cannot speak any human language, except maybe that african clicking language, but they have their own made from their various animal noises they can make.

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Golem vs. Primals - Part 1 - Horse

It clunked along in steadily paced but maladroit steps, with its equilibrium sensors taking some time to calibrate themselves fully for locomotion.

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The Werelion

He heard the sound of the whistle and paid attention up front and waited for the locomotive to connect to the train. after waiting a few minutes the engine appeared and coupled to he first coach.

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Into Darkness: Prologue

Whenever i was alone, bits of it would play out in thought trains that blackened the sky like those ancient locomotives. it haunted me in my dreams.

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Torched Plan

As the guards were already in position, ilumious had already put his suit of armor on, made from a material stronger then metal but not as heavy and great for locomotion, it was inscripted and had symbols on it, a cape and everything.

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Train Heading West

I was one of the lucky ones who would be catching the historic steam locomotive out of san fran and crossing the entire united states over a two week period.

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The Principal

He hadn't tried, to be honest i think paulus viewed the limbs as more a built in shield than actual forms of locomotion. he was just so shy. he barely ever tried to even speak to me.

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