Let's Have Sex With Everything: Sangheili (M/M)

With a wavering moment of unwillingness to let go, the mandibles unlatched themselves, leaving little reddish welts where the male had made a distinct mark on you.

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Just a little trouble in the Amazon

He blinked, just a second, and the dragonfly was pinning him against the nearest tree, mandibles holding on tightly and the drumming intensified.

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Hollow Knight: Vengefly

The knight jumped up as she flew towards him, catching him in her mandibles and slamming him down on the ground repeatedly.

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Formicidae Chapter 04

They could see it coming, the bright green acid as warix's mouth opened up, mandibles moving out of the way, their body leaning over them as hands held them down.

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Darkest Desire

He gripped the back of damien's neck with his mandibles, and positioned his tail right at damien's ass-crack.

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Amnesia Part I

She began to moan loudly, so jon gently put his left hand on her two left mandibles, and whispering, "shhhhh..." in her ear. embarrassed, she quickly grabbed both sets of mandibles and covered the center of her mouth with both hands.

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Command pt. 1

He could tell that taren was trying to keep his composure, but his hands had started vibrating and his mandibles were moving out and in with little rhyme or reason.

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Gravity Web

As taz moaned, his human mouth was pushed wide as two new rubbery mandibles unfolded, squeezing between his lips, spreading them wider as they flared out.

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Double Blind Monster

Dorian managed to ask once the mandibles that had grown out of his jaws finally had allowed him to speak, though his voice had deepened considerably.

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Zodiac - Chapter 3 - Cancer: The Depths of Winter

Wormmon's purple mandibles opened to carefully take the penis in his mouth. "mmmmm yeah... suck it..." he moved his flippers to the back of wormmon's head and rubbed gently.

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T'soona's eye narrowed, having an almost childish smirk on her mandibles, or what heller guessed was one, as she leaned in closer to him, pressing her mandibles against his lips, giving him a long passionate kiss.

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She broke the kiss with him, her mandibles parting as a long moan escaped her.

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