Sally's Floral Adventure 1

After only a small trek, sally finds one of the many bouncy mushrooms of the mushroom hill zone. deciding that against its stem was as good enough a place as any to rest, she leans back against it and fan sherself.

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TLOS Overgrown dragonfly

As soon as the two had reached their mushroom nina went down its entire side and rubbed it firmly.

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Sporing Trespassers

"i'm not quite sure how mushrooms are any different from the jungle, but i'll be sure to give it a try... yavini?"

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The Chronicles of Floofington Hills chapter 1

Nicolai spent the next week and a half going mushroom to mushroom convincing the occupants to unboard their windows and stop digging bunkers that threatened to undermine their homes foundations. he glanced at his large telescope.

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An Urgent Checkup

Rannik noms some mushrooms and feels sick, so he goes to the doctor only to find the mushrooms had a much stronger effect than he'd hoped! an urgent checkup sometimes it's just nice to get away from it all.

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Koopa Kourtship [Commission]

You'd heard of _La Manifique_; the ritzy new French restaurant that opened up on the corner of Fait and Champignon. It'd been around for years, but you'd never really seen anyone go in before. Intimidated by the upper-crusty atmosphere, perhaps? It...

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An Ultimate Nexus Experience (3/14)

The second that the mushroom rooted itself to the soil jason felt a blinding surge of pleasure, the mushroom's gel innards moving into overdrive as more semi-translucent tendrils slid through the heavy film that covered his body.

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Viper's Unwitting Assistant

Well, viper and his mushroom-cat monster assistant. the large creature was waiting patiently down in the sewer below him.

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Day One - Harvest 'Shroom

I had to gather three unique mushrooms and return them to the delivery box at the allocated base camp, what could have possibly gone wrong?

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So Close (Bowser Day Story)

You think a measly little power-up mushroom will help you?" "ah, but this isn't any mushroom you've seen in this game before, fiend." closing his eyes, kwandrio begins to breath in and out in a slow, rhythmic fashion.

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Vulpine Bio-Suit Captive

Was he really going to hump a pile of mushrooms that he was meant to clean up to get rid of his annoying erection? "oh, i get it now. you're just going to rut with a pile of mushrooms like a beast in heat.

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Cavernous Storybook CH2: Unexpectedly Grave Consequences

"usually, the only reason i ever even come here in the first place is to get high on stinking mushrooms!" "you mean like me?" one of the sentient walking mushrooms inhabiting the graveyard asked him. "yes, like you..."
