Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 26

And he stared at it some more, like it was supposed to make a valid argument for him instead of just acting as a numerical placeholder while dad just stood there, waiting patiently with his hands crossed over his chest. "okay, um...

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Like a Cauldron Burning [Prologue]

It was a fleeting thought, a placeholder filling in while bigger thoughts were still under construction. she shifted in her bunk to stare back up at the ceiling, scratching an itch underneath the collar of her orange jumpsuit.

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College Bound: Chapter 2 - Wackadoo's

Probably just a placeholder name," replied jeremy. "it's really cool how the university just lets people do performances like that so long as they don't cause riots or destroy property.

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A Transgender Kiss

The picture is just a placeholder until i can get a picture gone of my characters. coming out of the closet december 5th, 2566, it was getting very cold outside, and snow was starting to fall.

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CE04 - places

It's the kind of detail i get stuck on easily, so i just skip it and keep placeholder names (like "the city"). names of collaboration characters have been deleted, but there's contextual data so i only deleted the names.

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A remote Experience (Snuff, Suicide)

I brought over a rope and tied it around the handle slowly, a simple knot to guide over top as a placeholder so i could measure out how much i need. "hey, don't gasping studios have little slots in their doors made for this?"

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 26

And he stared at it some more, like it was supposed to make a valid argument for him instead of just acting as a numerical placeholder while dad just stood there, waiting patiently with his hands crossed over his chest. "okay, um...

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Untitled Beastars Script

The two characters are nameless for now, so he and her are the only placeholders i felt the need to use. the herbivore dude's species is up to the reader, though it will be something with hoofs and horns.

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Walk a Mile: Coverts Ops: Hyper Stripes

"the breast and genital modifications are latexified placeholders, allowing for increased growth and expansion in comparison to normal tissue."

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Chapter 6

Am i just a placeholder? why did he need me for anything? "zack. why nott beycomm this key yourrself?" i gesture around me, surely this equipment could modify his own mind, perhaps his own body. manic laughter, a soft howl, mournful.

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EndBringer - Verse Twelve - Almost Easy

#12 of endbringer placeholder image is setting-relevant but not my art; all credit goes to machati-sama: special thanks goes out again to my editor and soundboard kasandra bessey.

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Complete Story: Christmas Norg

Thanks to such hard squeezes what was supposed to be a sugar cookie christmas tree was now merely a placeholder for an inch tall mound of white frosting. only the third try and already this was getting incredibly frustrating.

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