Pull of the Moon - Chapter 4

#4 of eben black series - pull of the moon _© all characters and storylines surrounding these characters belong to me, eben black.._ --- half an hour later we were in bishop's 4x4.

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Pull of the Moon - Chapter 5

#5 of eben black series - pull of the moon _© all characters and storylines surrounding these characters belong to me, eben black.._ --- the lions had gone home, and now we were playing host for a tiger.

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Pull of the Moon - Chapter 6

As if snow read what my body wanted, he slowly pulled out of my muzzle, he shuddered but went to his knees, he pulled me up so that i was wrapped around him.

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Pull of the Moon - Chapter 7

#7 of eben black series - pull of the moon _© all characters and storylines surrounding these characters belong to me, eben black.._ --- i had showered and dressed.

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Pull of the Moon - Chapter 8

#8 of eben black series - pull of the moon _© all characters and storylines surrounding these characters belong to me, eben black.._ --- bubbles surrounded me. i was submerged again, back in that deepening ocean of shadows and silence.

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Pull of the Moon - Chapter 9

#9 of eben black series - pull of the moon _© all characters and storylines surrounding these characters belong to me, eben black.._ --- i woke in the circle of donovan's arms.

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Pull of the Moon - Chapter 10

#10 of eben black series - pull of the moon _© all characters and storylines surrounding these characters belong to me, eben black.._ --- the fact we were contacting some of the oldest and most dangerous wereanimals of all time, had somehow spurred

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Pull of the Moon - Chapter 11

#11 of eben black series - pull of the moon _© all characters and storylines surrounding these characters belong to me, eben black.._ --- ten minutes later and we were all sat in the lounge.

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Pull of the Moon - Chapter 14

#14 of eben black series - pull of the moon _© all characters and storylines surrounding these characters belong to me, eben black.._ --- i scaled the staircase in mere seconds and pushed open the huge metallic door.

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Pull of the Moon - Chapter 12

He held my shoulders and pulled me back to meet his thrusts. i tore donovan from my mouth and cried out as the feline pounded me, assaulted me harder and deeper, his rythmn lost to a ravenous speed that only came with the full moon's pull.

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Pull of the Moon - Chapter 13

#13 of eben black series - pull of the moon _© all characters and storylines surrounding these characters belong to me, eben black.._ --- i was back there. submerged in that distant expanse of ocean.

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Who is Watching. Pulled together

She stated firmly pulling away slightly. "russ what do you think this is?" opal came back dragging thick gray plastic crate. she had both hands on one of the handles and was struggling to pull it around some brush.

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