Slice O' Fantasy Ch.1

raiders- an apt name if not a very creative one. but they had done nothing else to distinguish themselves any other way.

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Taken to Market

Gin and kraft watched the rest of the blood-stained and sweating raiders return from their conquests.

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Blood Moon: Chapter 3

The very few raiders that were taken prisoner though were now digging graves and trenches for the dead.

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Fallout: The Winter Wasteland: Predators

When the raider tried to stand up, he couldn't put any weight on it.

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It wasn't like he couldn't - guards could do to raiders whatever they wanted. but it just didn't feel ri... the other male chuckled. "go ahead. nobody around but us.. and i have seen that look before.

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Ramming Through Raider Toys

Well, he was currently locked up underground, and he'd been shooting at raiders that had managed to take him down.

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Chapter 37 - The Southern Raiders

Ignoring the crashing booms of the cyn'taak chasing after them, he merged through several raiders as they rushed in to attack.

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All Bucked Up (Pt. 1)

His father didn't want raider around setting a bad example for his future siblings. normally death would be in order if the leader chose, however raider was still his son and he wanted to give him a shot at life.

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Scarborough Fair: Homecomings

The remaining raiders, seeing their comrades killed like that, hesitated in the hallway.

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Retired Hardware (Otherwise Untitled)

Off to the left he recognized a purple highlighted crosshatch, about a dozen of the raiders on the knees with a white flag in the air.

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Furry Fallout- chapter 1

The shadowy creature snuck around the mountain side trying to get by the raiders that were patrolling the area. the mysterious man turns a corner and sees that the raiders had found the secrete entrance into the vault. "shit...

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A Change of Perspective Part 2

Before she could recover, the real red raider struck from behind, knocking her to the ground.

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