Resolutions - Part 4 - April

Here's part 4 of 'resolutions.' it's a shorter chapter but i also i hope everyone still likes it. it's 'ex'plosive (in more of an emotional sense).

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Alex's Pokemon Travels: Resolution

_Okay, so here is the 3rd part of this ridulous(ly awesome) Pokemon story. If you're new to the series, you can start here without missing much because I explain everything as I go along._ _Fan reactions have expressed liking the love and...

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Resolutions - Part 12 - December

resolutions (part 12) december: plans and actions by al song december 31st, 2015 this past thanksgiving break would earn the title of 'mixed reviews' from not just me but probably also others staying at my house.

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Resolutions - Part 6 - June

Here's part 6 of 'resolutions' resolutions (part 6) june: pride and joy by al song june 28th, 2015 before my mom left for manhattan i spent the past month taking the bus to visit her in kenville each weekend.

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Resolutions - Part 2 - February

"i'm being social and that's helping me with my new year's resolution," i said. "oh yeah, you haven't broken your resolutions yet," arvin teased. "we plan on keeping each other in check," nathan said and put his fist near me. i bumped it with my own.

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Resolutions - Part 3 - March

Here's part 3 of 'resolutions.' sometimes parties aren't always fun but what are you supposed to do when you're miserable at your best friend's birthday party?

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Resolutions - Part 5 - May

We started new year's resolutions and we've been helping each other keep them." "what was your resolution?" "well, mine had two parts," i said. "i wanted to make more friends and i also wanted to get healthier."

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Resolutions - Part 1 - January

That was one of my resolutions for the year. i've been cooped up in my apartment too much last quarter. have you made any resolutions?" "not really," i said as i drummed my fingers along the desk abashed.

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Dawn of Vengence - Ch 3 - When the Darkness Sets In

It was in one of these that he met his future collaborator, resolute spawn. resolute spawn was only a user name of course.

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Christmas to New Year's @-@

To make it more interesting and more interactive with all of you, i would like to have each one of you to send me your new years resolution so i can base my photo off of your resolution if it be naughty or nice!

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Cornered Conversation (A1, B10, C13)

#13 of twilight of the gods book10 here's the resolution to the situation regarding conner and karla. or is it? sometimes things have a way of being resolved and then rehashed later. "conflict resolution" is a writer trick. rehashing is reality. but oh!

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The Werewolf of Odessa - Chapter 10 - Resolution

#10 of fox academy 2 - the werewolf of odessa fox academy: book i - the new breed book ii - the werewolf of odessa the werewolf of odessa - chapter 10 - resolution silver woke fully alert.

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