Beer Goggles

It would be like sacrilege to actually sit at the same place as her. i couldn't help myself. i touched the stool beside me. still warm from her delicate touch! i bent over - just to get a closer look at the cushion.

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The Mook Maker, Chapter 9: The Great Devourer

It wasn't hard to speculate on the origin of the broken pieces either - which made me think if one could really make money out of the stoled religious items without accusation of sacrilege. "...why looting the temple, and just stashing it nearby?"

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Coronation Day, Chapter 11

And we'd have two more kids alone on the streets of our city, their mother slaughtered in the name of corporate sacrilege and the quest to market the human divine to the masses. i don't know if she'll survive the night."

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Thirty-one

It was almost sacrilege, and from the whites of fat gut's eyes, it was indeed blasphemy. he was speechless. "hear me out." i said in a loud voice that would carry to the others.

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The Long Journey Home, Chapter 4

They were a provider of so many different resources that it was considered sacrilege to abuse them, and if one were to be cut down, it couldn't be done in vain, and certainly not wastefully.

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Ander - Epilogue: Subchapter 10 (THE END)

It somehow felt like any kind of noise in this place, in this moment, would be akin to sacrilege. he stepped inside and eased the door shut behind him, wincing at the click of the latch. she didn't stir.

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Dual Weapons

The inhabitants of the hallway heard the stallion begin muttering obscenities and sacrileges to himself with obviously building excitement. his grunts sounded over the noise of the compressing springs.

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Archangel's Corruption

Imperius' eyes widened -- but before he could reply, before he could even launch himself at diablo for even daring to suggest such sacrilege, the demon _moved_, and he moved with such speed that it was all that imperius could do to throw himself out of the

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book II Chapter 1

A sacrilege!" he yelled and stepped aside gesturing at the temple behind him " the most sacred of places defiled like that, we built it with our own hands to honor those who deserved it the most and today it stands defiled!"

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The Fox General: Lupercal

It was technically not sacrilege to leave ones scent in a temple to canis but the smell of fox would still offend wolves who attended service and it would take days of work for them to get the scent out.

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Watercourse Way

Not paved (that, i felt, would be a sacrilege to this beautiful land), the path bore the marks of many hindpaws, and the edges along the way appeared to have been carefully cleared and tended.

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Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 17

"this is sacrilege!" another screamed, his voice joining with countless others. the speed of this outrage was incredible, moving from shouting to shoving to attacking in less than a minute.

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