Fates of the Ferals: An Odd Request

An Odd Request "No," Mitch said flatly, turning to walk back down the promontery. "But Mitch, you promised!" Michelle whined. Michelle was quite large for a queen, broad in the shoulder and extremely chesty underneath a cream-peach,...

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Was he too shy? dean was straight - the beretta st. james figurine on his desk told her that, but robin had no idea if he was in a relationship. the thought made her freeze up. what if he was? or was only into some other species?

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A Midnight Dance Part 2

"Well Wild thing I'm already up here and ready! The question is, are you ready to get your freak on?!" The echo boomed louder the armadillo fell forward onto the edge of the dance floor tucking himself into a ball and rolling into the center where he...

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prologue: unexpected invitation

Oh by the way i hope it doesn't hurt to ask and don't be shy to answer this but are you seeing someone?" that caught him sort of off guard. "are you asking if i have a girlfriend mrs nich....i mean maya? he asked with a surprised look on his face.

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The night she met him.

Celeste slammed the front door shut behind her and took off down the road. It was on in the morning and as usual her father was drunk off his ass and her mother was off whoring around with different men. The fox folded her ears back as she pulled her...

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Jansen and Tomack the Black Panther

God, you seem so shy! its like you never have someone come on to you." "w-well...never had a hermaphrodite come onto me." he admitted, giving a little smile. he reached out and traced his fingers over the bat's powerful arms.

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Assassin Päiväkirjat'

"Hey, so i guess if you're reading this, i'm either dead or captured or something else. Well i guess it doesn't matter then.. in the following pages you'll find my life story."-July 14th. 2014-I woke to the sound of dripping. i didn't know what or who...

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Falling at a Coffee Shop Part II

Coffee Shop 2: Gotcha "What's that old rule again," Wes thought as he stared blankly at the plain white ceiling, "I think it's wait three days, or maybe a week?" Wes absentmindedly toyed with his phone, flipping and spinning it around in his paw. "I...

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A New Life. A New World. (Chapter 2)

Chapter 2 Today is the day. The day that will begin the rest of my new life. My heart was pounding as I woke up on the ship of Earth's most recent 'visitors'. I yawned as I sat up in the white bed, wondering ust how many things these strange walls...

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The Picture

Part 2 yay sorry it toke so long. Rate and comments plz. J ________________________________________________________________________ "I proposed, she said yes, and we spent the night making love. What could have gone wrong? Well I'm going to tell...

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Oh Teacher, Teacher part 1

A sharp ring sounded and the hallways were immediately filled with mobs of college students. Some were rushing to their next class almost all the way across campus; others were walking casually back their dorms to relax until their next class. A...

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my first furcon...horrible

Now you must know, i'm a very shy person of nature and not very willing to tell anybody about my interests of furries. i was however intending to tell my parents after the con about the furry fandom.

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