History Lesson - Confronting the Queen

Tik tik snaps, an accusatory point straight up against her snoot. "we are closest that kobolds can be--nest mates. in an army of endless parts in our machine, you are the only one i know so closely, and this is not you!"

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Tik Tik in the Desert - An Oasis Reprieve

Tik tik scoots up, booping snoots with the doggie creature. this sends a bright blush over asuka's cheeks. finally, asuka speaks. "f... forgive my discourtesy," she begins, bowing her head. "i have had a most trying time.

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Collecting Reagents 1

"very good," he says, then boops her snoot with his before he pulls her downward. two massive heads push together, spreading apart the dragon kobold's slit.

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When Munie Met Collith

But before either of them can voice their concern, estrasa points to the space between them, and an invisible force pushes both of them, slamming the two together, snoot and mouth colliding into an awkward smeck.

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Zootopia: Twas that dumb box! Part 2 last part

Gideon jumped on judy and began to tickle her like crazy with his paws and snoot until she became a crying, giggling ball of flying fluff!

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Astro and the Buried Boner part 6

Anubis slowly moved his snoot close to astro's head and licked his ear lobe. "you certainly seem interested in all this?"

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Brought into the Light: part 11: Sheath and Knife fiction

Peter looked at the mothers then gave alex a gentle lick kiss on his snoot. "you mean a ton to me too....and to cabe." "shit yeah." cabe said smiling. "can't wait till you get out!

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Zootopia: First Salvo Chapter 16

Chancy gave alex a real hard slap in the snoot! "don't you ever say that about your older brother! not like that alex!" "you didn't see him on the news uncle!" alex replied as he rubbed his snoot.

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Dad's Pup

I lift my snoot and place it under the tip of his cock. i feel the heat of his thick tool on the bridge of my muzzle as he milks himself. oftentimes he moans loud when he cums, but today must be an exception.

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Christmas Kobold Orgy 2

Standing upon it is shir-ava, one hand by her snoot and the other on her hip as she laughs. "oooh hohoho! now that those bitches are out of the way, i have the men all to myself.

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In Service to Tik Tik 4

Tik tik curls her leg in, her calf pushing against radasus's head, pushing him in closer and closer until his snoot pushes up against her. "oooh, cold nose," she sighs. "such a cutie. i'm still quite surprised that you're a kobold.

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Pounded in the Butt by TF Cliches

Ears, tails, toe beans, snoots, and the little snarly muscles on the face. michelle's breasts decided that they were lonely, and sprouted several more pairs. how many more is an exercise for the reader.

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