Baze and the Nixie 3
"baze only cares about melu getting her off," melu says, slowly slinking back into the bubbling mire. "melu can feel how wet baze is. how much baze wants melu to squeeze and choke." baze's fingers rake the muddy ground, but she shouts.
Baze and the Nixie 4
baze belongs to kobold dell'arte. story written by me. posted using postybirb melu shoves baze down, the weight of her engorged, tentacle-filled form pushing the two faster to the depths than baze could have realized.
Baze vs Yoko
"ah... ah., baze... you're so... lovely!" the assassin says. baze glares as best as she can in her stupor.
Baze and the Nixie 1
The creature, baze recognizes now as a nixie, blinks, and giggles. "i'm melu," she says, stepping out into the shallows and holding out a webbed hand. baze looks over her shoulder at her, smiles, and clasps her hand. "baze," she responds.
Tik Tik and Baze - Playing with a Ranger
"gladly," baze says, standing back and easily placing tik tik down, the smaller kobold standing and staring up at the taller girl. but baze kneels down as she picks up her bag.
Baze vs Muddy Mistress 1
Tik: then, how baze fight? how baze sexy time? han: with all that she has,. baze steps into the shallow pool of dark liquid. the kobold's naked and muscular frame stands tall.
Baze and the Nixie 2
baze can feel the squirming body of the aquatic beauty and hear her cute squeaks as baze's tongue lashes up into her dripping sex. the taste is quite exotic, yet familiar.
Baze vs Muddy Mistress 2
I look forward to assimilating you for real very soon, baze." baze doesn't look to the form as she exits the chamber.
Tik Tik and Baze: An Unwanted Rescue
baze says, her arm going around tik tik's neck, pulling her in up against her. the smaller kobold gasps and grabs at the ranger's tunic, and baze sighs, pulling her mask down from her face, a toothy grin upon her snout.
Baze and Xeno
"your lust is so delicious," baze says. "now, it is time to sup upon it once and for a-" she pauses, looking back. there's a larger, a much, much larger gathering of lust happening. baze shivers. "oh, i can't miss this!"
Baze and the Bandit 2
baze belongs to kobold dell'arte. story written by me. posted using postybirb baze is the first to respond to the necessity. she throws off her hood, finally revealing to her companion her yellow frilled head.
Baze and the Bandit 1
baze stares the creature down, and, as it passes the orc, baze smiles. the monster has no time to break out of its charge, and though it is a monster made out of pure muscle, that muscle is still from a rotted cow.