What's not to like in a dawn?

Each and every night, dancing together in the twilight of time, the whole world a spotlight on us. and here we are. each and every night, holding and kissing in the twilight of time, my whole world a spotlight on us. and here i am.

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Elle Dante\'s \'Broken Heart\'

The spotlights throwing naked shadows on the walls dimmed, and all light was focused on the stages.

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The Chair

The spotlight highlighted the curves of her body, her naturally strong lapine legs and the plush mounds of her breasts, glowing softly off her silky fur. she was breathing quick, shallow, frightened breaths.

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Short Drop, Sudden Stop

A spotlight beams down, to illuminate the next unfortunate victim of the rope's fatal embrace. cameras silently anticipate the unique struggles each victim brings to the fatal stage.

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A Tying Experience (Scat, WS, Snuff)

A show was getting ready to start as the lights dimmed for the audience, hidden spotlights illuminating the noose brightly. the anonymous tanuki was soon to be ready to put his dangling body in that spotlight. a little "mmrph!"

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Day 1 Competition

The spotlight over the lion shut off, casting him into darkness as the attention went back to the three that were still in the running.

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Starfox: Ghost [Chapter 4]

I've got an rfid signal from one of our weapons," he took cover behind a stack of barrels as the mech projected a blue grid across the floor, scanning the area along with its spotlight.

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Foul Play

Another spotlight flashed to life, revealing a pedestal between the two pokemon with a golden trophy cup on top, surrounded by red roses.

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Roo Asked For It [COMMISSION]

He said, the spotlight landing on drew himself. he pointed to himself in a "me?" gesture. "yes, you! get on up here!" a smile formed on drew's face as he practically ran up to the stage, pure excitement filling his body.

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Lion Tamed

He reached up his hands and vanished out of the spotlight via a perfectly timed trapeze artist. the spotlight vanished and once again cale and the rest of the audience was left in darkness.

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Curtain Call

"now there's three spotlights up here. i'm pretty sure you'll only have to operate two at any time, although there are some parts where three spotlights will be needed."

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Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 161

She added, holding her hand out as a spotlight focused on mother tsarea in the crowd, making her smile and bow.

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