Twelve Days

She dipped the toast into the egg, and drew it out with shining yellow yolk dripping in strands back to the shell.

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Squeaks and Zuzu

Squeaks cracks the unfertilized xenomorphic egg, mixing the white with the yolk into the batch. zuzu lifts the boiling amniotic fluid of a godling from her hot plate and tosses it in.

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DDD Day 7 Tulip's Cock Cookbook 2: Deviled Eggs (No Blood)

"so to make deviled eggs normally, you'd take some eggs, hardboil them, then cut them in half, mix the yolk with some mayonnaise, and put it back in the cut-in-half pieces of the egg whites!

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DDD Day 7 Tulip's Cock Cookbook 2: Deviled Eggs

"so to make deviled eggs normally, you'd take some eggs, hardboil them, then cut them in half, mix the yolk with some mayonnaise, and put it back in the cut-in-half pieces of the egg whites!

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Commission for MaskedHusky: The Odd Couple

"hear you are, hon," broderick slid his yolk stained plate across the table to liz.

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Rabbit Eggs

The egg is nearly the size of a football and covered in pale green spots just like a normal pokemon egg, but there is no yolk or anything inside, it's empty.

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Team 8 Ball: Arena Mechanized Combat

Squeezing the right trigger of the twin yolk controlled mech, the right arm particle cannon fired into the center of the turret's disabling them. he was about to continue when something leaped out and grabbed his mech from behind.

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The Safeword is 'Papa' (ch.6)

At the center of the limestone egg where the yolk might have been was an ancient-looking tree, it's branches sagging beneath untrimmed boughs. how it survived down here on paper lanterns and no natural sun, i had no idea.

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Egg Slushy PART 2 [Commission]

Their latex leotard was now covered in pieces of shell, egg yolk and disgusting green jello.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 75 - Understand The Concept Of Love (Part 1)

The splotchy patches that looked so unfamiliar to her, were in fact congealed egg yolk. she could tell it was that because the shells were still littered about the yard just up by the house proper.

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Unexpected Eggnancy

Had it been yolk? he shivered and pushed the thought from his mind, just as he might push an egg from his-- no!

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