Chapter 10

When the first rays of the sun softly began filtering through my curtains. Though when it reflected off the brass doorknob thus shining right in my face. Groaning as I sat up in bed and gave my stiff muscles a stretch before getting up. I took a moment...

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Chapter 10

These last few weeks were hell after I left my unit in Atlanta. My squad, Silver One, moved on to an FOB in Virginia, where allied forces were massing for an assault to take back the White House. Us, as well as the Canadian Special Forces and the...

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Superhero 10

Chapter 10 Dressed again in his enchanted and armored leather jacket, his very-comfortable and very not-hospital issue denim jeans, and a fresh white t-shirt, John Silverstone strode right out of the hospital without anyone thinking twice. Since...

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Chapter 10

Chapter 10 of Tales of Woe Dean, September 28th, 2:41 pm I felt myself lulled awake by the sun shining through the car windshield and the radio playing some song about haters and players. I sat up and looked around the inside...

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Chapter 10

Lost In The Mist © 2015 Sinclair Diavante Chapter 10. Zero stared at his console in disbelief. "Casey, is that another ship following us?" It was giving off energy readings like a ship, and he didn't like the idea of anyone nipping at his heels. ...

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Chapter 10

Chapter 10. Zach has my hands... my paws... held tightly, as I pivot to stand up. The room shifts around, I have a nagging feeling, like this is a dream. Echoes, of a dream which fade to black when I struggle to make changes, to take control. I'm back...

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Chapter 10

======FLO===== "I took a walk around the world to ease my troubled mind." " **I left my body lying in the sands of time."** "I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon." " **I feel there is nothing I can do... yeah."** Jonko and Axel...

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Chapter 10

The Swarm War Chapter 10 Starfox watched as he tossed and turned on the cot. "Wow he looks like shit" Falco said. "So would you if you've been through what he has!" Krystal piped in defending the disheveled human. "Okay okay I didn't mean anything...

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Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Zach p.o.v A chill rides up my spine. I can't see, but I can hear, and deep breath taken in right behind me. I feel uneasy, something is very wrong. A claw gently touches my back, I tense up. Fear runs through my body. I try to speak, No...

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Incarnation #10

That evening they returned to the communal dinner, in the same seating arrangement. Surprisingly, Borin seemed to be upbeat. Even Farnsworth was quite talkative. While X didn't really understand why, he was nevertheless releived to find that their...

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File #10

File #10 Muraco had not had an easy day. Doctor Kylen Tao had come over to his home and given him a complete examination, much to the concern of his clearly devoted wife. Doctor Tao's frown lines had indicated that quite a bit of time had passed...

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Chapter 10

Rika blinked a few times, staring at her hands while she tried to remember the way they used to look like. Were they hard and calloused, or tender and soft? Or were they like Eve's: slightly calloused yet retaining their femininity? What were her...

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