The Summer of a life time: Chapter 2 - Dreams Of A Nightmare

You had a bad dream; in fact from the sounds of it i'd say you were having a nightmare." james said, speaking out softly as not to startle the already confused, scared and upset tiger sitting next to him.

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Loud screams, bad dreams, it's very far, but close it seems. sad day, lost our way, all we can do, is simply pray. innocence gone, life no longer long, we may not know, but we're all doing wrong.

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Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Twenty Three

I went for days--weeks--without thinking about my bad dreams even once. granny was always nearby. always watching us. that made me even happier. i couldn't imagine what life would be like without her.

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Confusion - Chapter 4, Part 1

Just a bad dream. nothing to worry about." "of course it is!" he wiped away my tears. "would you mind telling me what your dream was about? that is if you don't mind."

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Day 2) Hero

This is a bad dream! yeah! this is a bad dream, it has to be!" he roughly pinched himself, no it very much was reality. he knew this was reality, he knew that he had killed someone. "i-i'm a murderer!" he hollered out as his legs buckled.

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Sulphira's War: Chapter 6

Oh well, it was just a bad dream coupled with déjà vu from some other time," zell said to himself. he only wished that that was the case.

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Dog Tired in the Zeta Quadrant

It sounds like she is having a bad dream. i take her paw into my hands and rub it gently. "wake up sleeping beauty." i speak softly to her. her eyes slowly open. "you were having a bad dream, i had to wake you." i explain.

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The voice (Day 1)

Perhaps this was really a bad dream. wake up tomorrow and everything will be fine... right?

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Goathias Vignette

- goathias was having quite a bad dream tonight. he had gone to bed late, and sick as well.

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"this is just a bad dream, this is just a bad dream, this is just a bad dream," haze chanted, her eyes closed tightly as tears leaked down the side of her face. "ah how sweet, she's trying to wake up from a bad dream.

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The 6 season war (Media views)

It all just seems like a bad dream now and it hasn't quite been as good as it was just after the blink.

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