Chapter 20 - High-Up Eavesdrop

"the crossbell coat of arms," i said softly. "my guess is that mordecai either conducts business there, or that's where he lives.

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 63

There, the armor ended with a thick neck piece that went around his shoulders, with a strip that went slightly down his back to hold up another part of his outfit: a fully functional, snap-together wargreymon shield, embedded with the phoenix coven's coat-of-arms

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The Journey Out

I bet she stole it from a statue or a coat of arms." i didn't move, instead perking my ears up and directing them at different groups. "maybe if we're quiet, we can just grab it and get out."

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A Paladin's Mount

She straightened the coat of arms above her armor and raised her head to meet the nightmare's gaze. the white stag woven into her coat was tinted blood red by the flames. "i am fara!"

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Mages of the Sword

Draeth, having completed his training and gaining the status of a knight, wore the red tabard with his families coat of arms (a yellow shield divided into four sections containing a hawk, a tiger, a dragon and a ram) showing on the front.

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An ornate coat of arms was at the top. he studied it. guild marking perhaps? this was an old district, and many of the buildings were converted from old tanners, smithies and the like. someone of wealth and power had commissioned the carving.

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An ornate coat of arms was at the top. he studied it. guild marking perhaps? this was an old district, and many of the buildings were converted from old tanners, smithies and the like. someone of wealth and power had commissioned the carving.

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Brother Light, Brother Dark: In Which Donichus and Jaqaran (Mostly Donichus) Get Wares

Inside, it was nothing unlike about any other tavern that donichus had seen in other places, except for the coats of arms unique to the families of this town and blue dragon decorations throughout the walls. "ah, good day sirs!"

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Antithesis, Words between Knight and lady

Only a bed, a small table and chair, a chest with the knight's coat of arms engraved upon it and a stand upon which armor might be stored now occupied this room.

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Brendan took one final look up at it; near the top of the tower, the intricate wooden carvings of a coat of arms were half-lost behind the inferno, before a window exploded outwards, and it disappeared behind a gout of flame.

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Hope and Dreams part 15

The den had a large fireplace and hearth, a coat of arms resting above it over a mantel of crystal statuettes.

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Dear Philip

It was a single-shot target pistol with aria's coat of arms gilded neatly in gold upon the sides. the stance was awkward, as i held it in my right hand, but aimed with the left eye the lady mares gasped with surprised shock.

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