Serenifi: Great Scott! Part III: Scene 4

Matter-of-fact, he's the first-born branch of the coyote tree to do so here in america. (cut to tranquility, fiona, and an assortment of other skunks, young and old, at the table.) francis la-fume (french accent): tell ya what, johansson?

My Daddy's Foal 2

They are our first born horse and donkey sons so it's only fitting. dad and i shower together in the morning when they are all gone to their respective homes. dad tells me he's not going to fuck ed anymore, nor anyone else but me.

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Kevin's Highschool Days

When i was first born here in this world, the doctors knew there was something different about me. after i came out of my mom, they saw that i was a green dragon.

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Dance of Travel

Dien was the first born of his family and was one of two children of a loving couple.

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Facility One, Debby's pleasures

She was one of the first born in the school, and had grown up in the musky, lusty world of the facility. she loved every minute of it. having just finished a class, she was rather flustered.

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**unknown internet story:** i stumbled upon a tale of a fairy queen who blackmails princesses into giving up their first born by holding their entire family for ransom. this became the basis for my main villain.

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The Varo Correspondences Vol.1

I am told that he is called beorn m'iaq strong-arm, with his first name being traditionally given to the the first born son of the family. m'iaq is a common khajiit name (cf: last census of elsweyr).


Dryads Heat

And the trees provided for the first-born children of nature, among which were the dryads. standing tall and proud these were the oldest union between plant an animal.

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Backstory: christian allen king was born on january 11th 2001, in the united kingdom to estrela and edwin king as their first born child, edwin being a famous magician/wizard and estrela being a bit of a bookworm and a teacher.


The Rikifur Chronicles: Chapter 1 - Airy

The first born of the king whether male or female inherits dominion and rules as king or queen upon the death of the current king. i am the only female first-born kit ever in our line. ever.

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Royal Screw-Up

Mooncatcher could have thrown the other cat off of the rock since she was a princess, and especially as the first-born, but she knew that a big cat like thunderslash would make the rock even better to lounge on.

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Invention of the Week #3: The Bunny Beam

I'd name by first born daughter amelia...wait. when and if i do decide to start a family, i'll be the one getting pregnant! that' that'll be an experience, to say the least. hopefully it's like a human pregnancy is, which it should be.

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