Protectors Of Aeron City Part 2(Flash Story Series)

"O.K., there's something I have to ask before this thing goes any further." "What?..." Mishra asked as we stepped past the reception desk and out into the plaza that sat outside the building. "Please don't take this the wrong way, but... I've...

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#1 of flash fiction a dog always waits. wanted to do a little flash fiction, and i really like how this turned out. kinda got me a bit emotional. flotsam he liked the feeling of the cold water lapping over and soaking his feet while he sat.

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Black-Eyed Girl

The knock came to my door late, far later than a girl of her age should have been out by herself. Her face was veiled by the hooded sweatshirt that she wore, which combined with her downcast glance made it impossible to see her features clearly. "Let...

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Lab Report, Dr. Renat Rodion: Study of Subject 13, "Echo", and Local Wildlife

"Lab Report, Dr. Renat Rodion: Study of Subject 13, 'Echo', and Local Wildlife" _by Brian Colfxire._ **COORDINATES OF WORLD** : Within the NGC 224 (Andromeda Galaxy), SPS 403 (Solar Planetary Systems), name designation of home world,...

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FlashFic: After the Funeral

He lies dozing in my arms, finally having cried his fill. I still pet the pup's long, silken headfur tenderly, wishing that I could take away from him some of the pain, but knowing that pain at least as well as himself. It's not an easy thing, losing...

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Kiki tf

Based on a commission done by Sutibaru for TheSparkleBun []( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On a chilly...

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Emoji Vore - Lusamine

Request: Emoji Vore By Laeron Inkheart It was a bright and beautiful day. A woman stood near a field of grass; the sunlight bounced off the green gem that was sown into the center of her dress's chest. She held a fiery expression as her golden...

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Just Another Night in Leopardsburg

#2 of flash fiction the leader of infamous street gang the crimson weasels, franklin thompkins, was vermin in both his species and his reputation for having his paws in his fair share of black market deals ranging from narcotics to fire arms.

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[Flash Fiction] A bull in an office dictating to a computer

So it's my third day trying out the new company-issued headset, and it's working out pretty well! My wife can tell you, I'm pretty much stuck in the dark ages when it comes to technology. Fixing engines or rewiring the house is a piece of cake...

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Tavern's Special Milk

#1 of flash fiction a mysterious client makes a strange request at lyrikos' tavern, and the bull is happy to comply. word count: 896 i turn the plaque from "closed" to "open" and prepare for another day.

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March of Progress - Rainfurrest 2013 Flash Fiction

March of Progress Murphy raised the whiskey glass to his snout again. His claw wanted to tighten around it, but he feared he might break the glass. Cuts were the last thing the alligator needed now, with his leg already aching like a son of a...

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Ode to the Pirate Queen Jezebel

At fur the 'more, there was a flash fiction (<1,000 words) contest. this was my entry, though i'm not sure if it actually got submitted...

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