The Human Species Ch. 34 - Peerless Ace Ethan

Lucario had to redirect his concerns for the legendary for a few moments, as he was experiencing an inner turmoil of his own to sort out.

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The Human Species Ch. 49 - Departure (Epilogue of Episode VIII)

Lucario smiled, eager to finally be leaving the island that had caused him so much inner turmoil and doubt.

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The Human Species Ch. 45 - Restless Thunderbird Zapdos

With every second that passed, lucario felt the abnormal sensation that had threatened to choke him waning, yet still his newfound inner turmoil grew stronger. he needed to know the truth, even though he feared her response more than he had mewtwo's.

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Sonnets and the Sublime

This friend's appearance, despite the initial inner turmoil it causes, helps bring berthold to peace with things. i am in no way claiming the sonnet quoted as my own, it is sonnet 18 by william shakespeare.

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The End: Chapter 22: Growing Pains

Though our inner turmoils remained, we didn't have time to dwell upon them, and we had to grow up basically overnight. as a result of her injury, kate was put on quarters until her leg healed, and our roles were suddenly reversed.

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A Walk with Temptation

He was visibly tense, his leaner body coiled tight as though restraining an inner turmoil. his paws shuffled on the blanket, betraying his nervousness, and my heart softened towards him.

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Avarin Falls, Chapter 1

Tiko appeased himself, gradually calming his inner turmoil, "my parents have finally found someone that will watch sanna while we're gone." tiko patted his friend on the shoulder, "thanks for caring though. i need to get going. see you in a week!"

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Sai saw the inner turmoil that was taking over the leo, and he went to work to try and lessen it as best that he could. he turned the hose on low and slowly let air seep into the leo.

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Total Trust Chapter One: Pressing On

Overall, it was peaceful outside a nice contrast to my inner turmoil. when we reached to clearing, i dropped my backpack and fished out our meditation blanket along with a few herbs that we could burn to help us relax.

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The Human Species Ch. 52 - Grassy Starter Meganium

It made her temporarily forget about her inner turmoil, but the sight of lucario suddenly holding his arms out brought more pressing thoughts to mind. "mooooooom!" a voice suddenly yelled from outside. "...

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Past Sins

He did not want his inner turmoil tarnishing such a happy moment. with the guards gone, the starfox team and fara's squad were left to their own devices. the team was glad to have alex back, but no one was more so then krystal and miyu. "alex!"

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Tales from Silicon City 14: Saving Valentine's Day

The vixen clearly sensed her inner turmoil but chose to say nothing. turning on her boot heel, she promptly led the other female towards the exit.

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