Khusk's Command 1

But with each magical item that passed their camp, she became less and less hopeful that she would find what she looked for. the more she researched, the more the bandits asked her for help.

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Guns of Legend: Chapter Seven

It was vashiil, the unnatural stone that was crafted by magic users in secret and forged into very specific magical items.  he, himself, wore a piece around his neck. 

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Twilight asked, taking the magical item from her teacher. "all she has to do is say my name, and i will be able to talk to her."

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Dragon By Day P7

"we will attempt to find this magical item you are looking for," the guardian spirit informed them.

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Second Childhood

Now, unidentified magic items, even minor ones, can be dangerous. artamos, before he even touched most magic items of an unknown nature, would layer himself in protective enchantments and set up some manner of defenses against unknown threats.

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A princely apology (prologue)

The taller hyena unrolled the magical item and began reading. olivian hated to admit it, but s'kerrith knew far more about the magical arts than he did. "ooh...this is some serious stuff. dangerous in the wrong hands.

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Izon vs. Tikana 1

In one hand, the kobold floats the magical item, and in the other, she scribbles her notes, deconstructing the thing's nature. when the light brightens, tik tik stuffs the artifact away and hops to attention.

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Apprentice and his master

"from one of your magic items "master". hypnosus controlum eternia!" shouted dein. elendias was surprised. just this look on his face was priceless and worth of every beating dein received.

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Hypnovember 2023 Day 14: Slime/Goo

Wherever the pool touched, the more of his clothing was destroyed, thankfully it didn't affect his magical items. so his axe wasn't destroyed by it, but the further the bull went, the more of his clothes were vanishing.

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Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure: Background Information 7 Magic and Science - Sources of Power, Sources of Corruption

Quick and dirty magic items can be made through gygaxian magic, but they tend to burn themselves out rather rapidly, depending on the nature of the item in question: wands and scrolls will last for only a certain number of uses, while a magic sword

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Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Forty-second Entry

Pathfinding: an adult choose your own adventure forty-second entry by gideon kalve jarvis **vote tallies** tallies for who should get each magic item: \* charm of learning wisselfleur - 1 (defensive magic) lesage - 2 (she insists on non-offensive

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Core's Opportunity - Chapter 18

He would have brought his magical item if he thought there was any chance this date would lead to sex. does he want to go inside her on the first date? he thought she was just going to do oral or something.

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