The adventures of Lisa the vixen. Return to earth

Replied lisa looking at the planet earth through the view screen. "captain, what are you going to do with our guest?" stevenson looked at lisa. "we're dropping him off at the firer system. let the fleet personal deal with him.

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."** **while bardock and his men went to planet meat baby kakarot was sent to planet earth with a destroy all life forms on planet earth he's only met one relative and thats his brother raditz he helped give the orders the** **part 4:the kamahameha

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The vixen and her prey

So they do exist, but something tells me i am not on the planet earth anymore." he thought to himself getting over with the shock. "who are you?" said the wolf walking to him.

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Merged Worlds 6

The photinos just did some recent atrocities to the planet earth. plus they contaminated a pre-industrial world."

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"we're from the planet earth-x in the system sol. i'm terry, and my friend here is grey. i'm one of the keyblade wielders." this left adam confused. he knew all the systems by heart, and sol wasn't one of them.

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Psalm of the Wasteland

On that day in december 2012 the xenophone, an alien race that refers to its as the craft masters, invaded the planet earth. they were welcomed at first.

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A Week In My Spaced Out Life

Usually my non-police, planet earth based involves me from time to time with human subjects on earth and/or other earth related things that don't involve, though those very seldom happen.

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Valkyrie - The History of the Altia Galaxy - Part 1 - The Atlantian Age

Atlantian age (aa) (note â€" atlantian age starts with the colonisation of the planet earth but the actual atlantian empire had existed many years before that.

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The Elohim, Myth and Reality

My people arrived on this planet earth roughly 500,000 years ago. i was born here, on earth, a few days after we arrived. humans were already here, as was another race of reptilians, who lived underground.


The Willing Exile of the Elohim

Telepathically, each and every surviving member of my race on planet earth, mars, and other colonies we had in the solar system, implemented the failsafe feature in all of our technology.

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The day I Meet A Hero Chapter Six Part one

They were of a big size than the ones back on planet earth. about three times the size of an average goose. we quickly took four of them down. spyro took one down by biting its head rite off.

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A Dream Chp: 6 Revelations

I question him, "i'm guessing you mean my bedroom, in australia, planet earth." i think over what he's just said, "you mean i'm not even on sakai anymore?!?" i almost shout at him and it looks like i startled him a little. "is that an island somewhere?

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