The Gardens: Twilight Dip

"come on pup," sam chuckled and held up three fingers, "security, maintenance, and the search and rescue guy. let's go, it's just a short walk from here." "that would be awesome!"

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In the Shadow of Mount Marshall

The two of them would make be a brilliant search and rescue team, he thought. he'd already contacted seven and secured the position. the black bear sighed. it would be a long month. he stared at the ceiling for a while.

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Days Go By: Hurting As One

The ferret nodded, "transport to control, this is sierra-two-twenty requesting clearance to undock for search and rescue." the ferret ran through a frequently repeated set-up routine, quickly readying the small vessel.

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The First Mission (Episode 2)

Could he rely on them to admit a search and rescue team? "i need out of here," jake said to himself. the griffin heard him, "what are you going to do? you're shackled and on your back.

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chapter ten

While other are in the data base both good and bad cases, some have the government hire them as law enforcement for other kaiju other help with community like help with building, or moving heavy loads and in some case search and rescue.

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The Gardens: My Hero

Samuel's job as head search and rescue operator was interesting. he preferred to work alone, which was fine with the scientists and the heads of the company because it minimized the disturbances to the animals.

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It's Eyes were Yelow

Samples were taken for forensics to identify. 11/6/2017, 23:00 officers and search and rescue volunteers began scouting the woodlands near ms. brookes home. unusually large paw prints were found leading away from ms.

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Fire Runner: Bomb

In more professional manner he'd be a search and rescue, but a lot of people simply would refer to his job as a runner.

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They Reign - 5

\* **birnbaumer 2 system** **birnbaumer/uom biological research outpost** **february, 2280** **\*** "..chandler, check your signal conditioner," lester said into his headset at the bridge of the search and rescue ship _anders lexell._ "comms trouble?

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They Reign - 2

"standard search and rescue, i suppose?" banks proposed. "isn't that what we've been told to do?" "go kick the door in and say hello," pitman mimed cocking a pistol.

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Evolution of the Xenomorphs Ch1

It was the furthest settlement from earth and thus not only a pain to resupply but in this case provide search and rescue.

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Short Changed : Episode 1

I've already written a chapter about jake, a dog struggling with what humanity did to him, even as he's given a chance to do good as a search and rescue sniffer. i can't roll them all out too soon though. some contain spoilers.

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