Live Bait

tails grabbed the closest walker and slammed its head first against the dirt wall then on the floor. the second walker reached for cutemon. tails quickly punched into the stomach taking out the organs of the walker then planting it on the ground.

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The rain is soo... hypnotizing out here...

The end of his strong tail grabbed her around her waist and lifted the coati up on his coils, just in front of his growing member, keeping her there with his tail.

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Welcome to Woodberry

tails grabbed one of the helmets and pressed it to his chest, "the general that was in our care had told us about a group of soldiers that were not to far from here. sadly when we arrived there was nothing left.

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Isolation-Excerpt 12-Gameplan

Got the first one with a swipe to the neck and the other two with my tail. grabbed what i could and i bolted from the house and ran through town, not stopping for anything or any one. i walked for a few days before i found another town.

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Club Spiral

grabbing her pussy lips and his claws bit into her ass as he withdrew only to thrust hard back in after only pulling out at least three inches. "yes! like that . . . !!!"

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How to Fuck Sonic the Hedghog

Sonic was about to step into the dash then tails grabbed sonic's arm. sonic looked back as tails asked, "what about me? you're just going to leave me here. i thought we were a team.

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Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Eleven

As soon as she walked past him, he pounced on the end of her tail, grabbing at the lines of webbing on either side. clutching to her, he giggled as her tail bounced and swayed, carrying him into their home.

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Part 9 An Ambush for Dragoune's Friends

He then started to run with the last guard but then saw a big tail grab the guard and pulled him up. "show yourselves you cowards!" the leader said taking his sword out.

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D'sim Kalumee and the Xenomorph Hive Part 3.

He felt something poking against his arm, and soon realised that it was her tail. grabbing onto it, he followed her lead through the twisting tunnels.

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30 days without an accident

She was never raddled anymore from a tail grab. at one point when she first started it might have but now she found it kinky and very erotic. veemon would slap her ass really grasping at her wild white fur. she meowed louder.

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Tails and Rouge: lust, desire, GUN, and consequences

At this, rouge tried to move away but tails grabbed her legs and hold them on his shoulders. sadly, her trying to run away was a back fire for rouge.


Raving Raichu, And TDTOG Presents; Tails In A Hopeful Sunday. (VII)

tails grabbed his balls with his left paw, and then applied some pressure, as he let out another squirt, not caring much at first where his piss went. he then grabbed his penis with his right paw, and began masturbating a still soft member.

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