(Commission) Delivery Boy

He only had on a tank top and booty shorts. instead of this, he decided he was going to order out. feng went for his cellphone. he flipped though it until he found the number he needed to order some pizza.

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Divine Trickster

Maruigin attempted to walk out, but between his belly and enormous balls rolling back and forth heavily with every step... his erection was being rubbed on both the top and bottom by the surrounding flesh. he needed to get rid of that.

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London Murder Mystery

Firstenaw made notes and sketches of the wounds in his notebook: canines 3 cm apart, four incisors top and bottom. he furrowed his brow. claw marks were ... claw marks, somewhat shallow and wide.

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Just a Gigolo

From there his clawed hand working its way between the top and bottom fold of his smoke grey bow tie. pulling on it, luis undid his tie leaving it to hang limply around his collar.

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Danyel's Story Ch.1 Just the beggining

Danyel stood at almost 6'6" his face prognosticated, canine teeth elongated top and bottom, his dark almost blue-black eyes now a wash of bright silver. when he spoke a gain maddison could hear his rage. "you murdered them detective!"

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...A Night To Remember, Forever...

Felicia said as she took her towel off showing her bright blue fur, her blue spotted bushy tail, and her white breasts with blue streams running across the top and bottom of her pink nips.

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With tooth and paw chapter 8

Connecting the top and bottom pieces was an intertwining of leather strips, creating a vine look down her belly. the bottom piece was a short leather skirt, barely long enough to cover what looked to be leather panties.

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The begining

and bottom of the bed when we woke the next morning we were all hugging each other we looked around and yawned i blushed as i stopped hugging sparta the smell of cookies filled the air we all lifted our noses and spelt the delightful smell as we all

Thievery and Lies: Chapter 1

The identical shades matched the room, a dark red with soft white lacing on the top and bottom. _elegant_, he thought. better than the rooms he'd been used too by far.

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Hir neck gave several pops as it lengthened to almost a half metre on it's own, and every inch was covered in segmented scutes on top and bottom, allowing it to articulate like a natural dragon's neck. all that was left was hir head.

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The City I

He swallowed, thinking to stall as long as possible for the news, finding a shirt nearby in a pile of salvaged clothing and pulling it on, ensuring top and bottom were at least covered.


Slutcat and Sworddog #2

"maybe you can stick your tail out between the top and bottom?" he offered helpfully. "dammit, no that doesn't work. it's a one-piece. i'll try and keep it tucked in," she mused while ralof looked around for a way out.

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