Schande's Story-Chapter 3

Schande chuckled again and started doing his normal hygiene routine at top speed. he grabbed his stuff and ran out the door. as he made his way to his first class, he was looking around every corner for gage.

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Snapshots - The Show Must Go On

The lanky hare bounded top speed down the backstage corridor of the playhouse. arthur reginald helmsmeade the third had never missed a cue. today would not be the first occurrence. particularly not with their esteemed royal patron in attendance!

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tigers on the brain part 5

I'm running at my top speed and yet he thinks it's a jog. he was toying with me; he doesn't even look like he's trying to beat me. while i was thinking these thoughts, i didn't even realize that we started the incline to the cliff.

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It Started With Toast - Chapt 1

Looking at the clock on the nearest screen saying i was going to be very late i start running at top speed.

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Run mowgli! Run for me

The trip was fast and bumpy mowgli thought as they rushed top speed the tiger was taking a shortcut jumping through branch to branch in amazing acrobatic ways. he might had enjoyed the ride if he wasn´t being carried like sack of potatoes.

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Diaper Dash: Teaser

She started for the branch at top speed to knock off her rider but yelped in surprise as she felt the dragon monkey's grip down and turn her head, misdirecting her charge and steering her below the tree line.

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purple's camping trip

Moon hit his top speed it was almost so load it could break the sound barrier but then dragon tail head started to glow red he was going to hit moon at his top speed as well!

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Iron Dragon Chapters 42-43

"looks like two hundred and fifty seven is the top speed." the car rocketed down the run way. alice gave a very gentle weave to see how the car handled at top speed, and was pleased with very little sway or roll.

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The Shocking Tales of Lumen - Prologue

The wind went from pushing the sails along at top speed to suddenly shifting and slamming against the broad side of the ship. with a harsh lurch, the ship turned sharply and dove directly into the tidal wave it had been riding mere moments before.

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Crushed (Kreet - 63)

He rammed jake at top speed full in the stomach, hurtling both to the ground. jake began to pommel the sides of sigmundurr's head. in a few seconds it was obvious the blows were having an effect and sigmundurr rolled away.

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CatDance #32

speed when helfer stepped to the side and repeated her shout.

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Minorcan Character Refrence

Making her top speed in the wheeled legged gun platform mode between 90 and 100 miles and hour. in her robot mode she can top out at just bellow 80 and can push about 50 using this without the wheels in her alternate mode.

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