My Slave Family- Chapter 21

Chapter Twenty One "Surviving The Storm" By Furry Sith Lord The former lead agent woke slowly and tried to move but was unable. As his mind cleared he realized his limbs were sore from the odd position he was in....

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My Slave Family- Chapter 20

Chapter Twenty "The Storm Approaches" By Furry Sith Lord "May I speak to Mrs. Lagomorpha- R?" Lou asked as he spoke to who he hoped was Dash's mother. "Speaking," she replied...

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My Slave Family- Chapter 19

Chapter Nineteen "Lookin In" By Furry Sith Lord Will sat on the sidewalk of the motel smoking and he rubbed the cigarette tip on the ground to snuff it out as the doberman approached him. He put it back in...

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My Slave Family- Chapter 18

Chapter Eighteen "On The Outside" By Furry Sith Lord I hadn't seen much of my father over the last few days and without class to attend to the anxious feelings I was getting was slowly being passed on to Lyon...

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My Slave Family- Chapter 17

Chapter Seventeen "Going In" By Furry Sith Lord Will was dressed casually as he nursed a beer in a bar next to his house. He wanted to drink something stronger but the deer had put him on restrictions to make...

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My Slave Family- Chapter 16

Chapter Sixteen "Lies and Plots" By Furry Sith Lord The doberman sat at his desk checking his email for any official communications from the company. A grey hedgehog approached carrying a thick binder held close...

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My Slave Family- Chapter 15

Chapter Fifteen "Revelations" By Furry Sith Lord "Hello Jon, how can I help you?" Lou replied calmly picking up the telephone. "Lou, I'm glad it's you! I have something important to...

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My Slave Family- Chapter 14

Chapter Fourteen "Strugglings" By Furry Sith Lord I expected my father to start yelling and screaming as he reacted to the bargain I proposed. I had hoped he would find it reasonable and agree to it but his...

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My Slave Family- Chapter 12

Chapter Twelve "Enter the White Fox" By Furry Sith Lord Sometimes I wonder who is worse, Father or Uncle Jon because lately both have been giving me a hard time. I have been trying my hardest but every time I...

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My Slave Family- Chapter 13

Chapter Thirteen "On The Hunt" By Furry Sith Lord "Did you and your dad play one on one today?" Father asked as he entered my room and sat on my bed. "No sir." I replied weakly and felt...

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My Slave Family- Chapter 11

Chapter Eleven "Dangerous Choices" By Furry Sith Lord A Few Weeks Earlier... Jon stood at a coffee machine making himself a drink and felt uncomfortable in the suit he was wearing. He normally dressed in business casual but...

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My Slave Family- Chapter 10

Chapter Ten "Slaves No More?" By Furry Sith Lord A week had passed and my bed had finally arrived which meant no more sleeping on the futon for either of us. Master and Leggo had been unusually quiet the past...

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