A Special Order

Tyler finds an interesting way to make a monkey out of himself. An adult TF short commishion write for Milgrove. ======= A Special Order by: Theo Winters Written for Milgrove Tyler took a few steps back to look at the results of his...

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A Special Gift

Jadis's brother has a special gift in mind for the snow leopard... Story commission for ghostblackburn on FA. * * * A Special Gift By: Theo Winters Written for GhostBlackburn Jadis walked through the heavy snow as it fell over the mountain...

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Doll Virus: Double the Fun

Felicia has picked up a brand new toy for her own pleasure, but Theo isn't going to let her have all the fun... A Doll Virus story inspired by Tincrash's Doll Virus picture series over on FA. * * * Doll Virus: Double the Fun By: Theo Winters ...

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To Take Flight

To Take Flight By: Theo Winters I came up behind Felicia, wrapping my arms around her and resting my chin on her shoulder. "What are you doing?" I asked. She flicked her tail up against my leg, cocking her head to look back at me with one green...

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Tania's Unbound

Tania's Unbound By: Theo Winters Written for Drash Tania drifted through the empty darkness of space, her own titanic mass pulling her through the void and bringing her ever closer to her next meal. The massive orca, nearly the size of a...

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Quadruped Curse

Quadruped Curse By Theo Winters Written for kitsune106 Ben saw her the moment she came into the mall, not that it wasn't that hard to spot her, she would have stood out in any sort of crowd. The first thing that made her stand out was her...

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Mare's Tails and Dragon Scales

Mare's Tails and Dragon Scales by: Theo Winters Part 1 Written for Stormfront Alan moved quickly through the short grass, the thin sliver of moon providing just enough to see by as he reached the old wooden fence. He held himself there,...

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Branching Out

Branching Out By: Theo Winters "Are you sure about this?" Claudia asked as I picked up the small vial from the box, brushing off the packing material. I looked up at her over the rim of my glasses; my wolf girlfriend had her arms crossed and a look...

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Riddle for the Ages

Riddle for the Ages by: Theo Winters Written for Leasara Tasha picked up the wooden box from the table of knick knacks. It was small, maybe five inches by six and made out of a dark wood. Each surface of the box was inlayed with black markings that...

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Garage Visit

Garage Visit by: Theo Winters Written for Frysco Frysco blinked a bit as he started to wake up, his body aching and his chest and arms hurting. Closing his eyes he tried to remember what had happened to him. The last thing he dredged from his mind...

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Up and Down

Up and Down By Theo Winters Millie smiled as she walked through the doors of the school, her shirt skirt swaying around her hips. The skirt was short as the school would let her get away with and her shirt was just as tight, cropped high enough...

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More than a Muzzlefull

More than a Muzzlefull By Theo Winters Written for WhiteChimera "God damn, your muzzle feels so good," the stallion moaned, quickly thrusting his cock into Night's open muzzle, while his hands held tightly onto the chimera's large ears. He...

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