Above Average Part 7.

The day actually hadn't been going so bad for Alan. He was beginning to think that he had over reacted about not being able to get off for a few days. He didn't have to jack off or get laid every day; it just tended to make life more enjoyable when he...

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Not So Big Ben

Ben laid back in bed and absentmindedly bounced his tennis ball against the roof of his bedroom. It was a good thing no one lived in the space above him, or the steady thumping would have gotten on people's nerves. As it was the area directly above his...

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Above Average Part 2.

Alan and John's post-coitus cuddling was interrupted by loud, obnoxious banging on the door. "Just ignore it. They'll go away eventually." John said contentedly as he tightened his arms around Alan. Alan was perfectly fine with letting their visitor...

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Above Average Part 1.

Alan was as perfectly average as they come. He had perfectly average short brown hair which nicely complimented his equally average brown eyes. His skin was lightly tanned, which was average for someone his age. His height and build could only rightly...

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Avoiding Extinction

Tharja cursed herself for her poor judgement. She was sure that the hulking barbarian before her would prove no challenge to a potent burst of dark magic, but she was dead wrong. He had sidestepped her ruin with the greatest of ease. As the berserk axe...

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Above Average Part 4.

Alan stretched as he got out of bed. He was so glad to finally have the weird cock statue back in its box where it belonged. He could feel his huge cock and massive balls hanging heavily from his groin. Apparently, returning the idol didn't reverse his...

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Above Average Part 3.

"Look. I still don't get why you swiped the box." Steve commented as he and his exceedingly well hung bud made their way back to their dorm. "Because he couldn't remember it." Alan replied as if the answer was obvious to all. "So. Just because...

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Above Average Part 5.

Alan proudly walked back into his dorm room after the show he had given some of the other guys in the showers. He saw Steve still lying in bed. By now Steve was no longer nursing his afterglow, but was too lazy to get up, especially since they had no...

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A Little Porn Never Hurt Anyone

Eric took a seat on the couch and waited for the receptionist to call his name. He was impressed; this place didn't look at all like what he expected a porn studio to look like. He had expected some dingy back alley studio, but this place was a nice,...

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Hyper-Active Imagination 3

James glanced nervously at the screen of his phone. He didn't know why he was so nervous. So it had been a few months since he had seen Bryce in person, so what? It's not like a semester apart would really change him that much, right? James and Bryce...

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Patreon Monthly (November): The Biggest Dick

Nathan jogged aimlessly through the roads and suburban alleys around his house. The grey wolf normally loved running. It was a great way to start the day and kept him in peak physical shape, but today he had other things weighing on his mind....

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Damian's Dick

Damian Wayne swung through the air with the aid of his trusty grappling hook. It had been far too long since he had had the chance to patrol the seedy streets of Gotham City. It wasn't that he disliked his stint at Titan Tower with the other Titans. It...

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