The Dragon's Delights

It is the closest they will come to seeing my divine flesh, as they must, of course, remain blindfolded while performing such duties.

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Big brother- and a little gem

She gave up "you can take off your blindfold now" he instructed her"also your panties because you lost!" jessica took off her panties and then her blindfold before looking at steve "oh my god!"

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Comic Script - A Christmas Double Date

**heidi (handing edward a blindfold):**"here edward! put this on, get undressed, and lay on the bed.". **hans:**"see? you won't have to watch edna and myself. heidi wants to give you a bj, while you're blindfolded."

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Carnal Combat II, Part IV - Building a Mystery

Ruin stayed clear of hitomi's lashing blindfold, and hitomi made sure to keep her senses focused on the ninja at all times. hitomi was starting to have a little luck with her blindfold, using the flowing red fabric to keep ruin's paws busy.

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A Vixen's Tail - Chapter 2

I brush my fur carefully, then i put on my blindfold again and lie down on the bed. i cross my arms behind my back and spread my legs a little. i feel happy, much happier than i have been in a long time. "_why do i have to wear the blindfold?

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A Single Night

Her feline friend's response was a wide grin, though she knew that her friends couldn't see it since she was currently blindfolded.

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Nathan's Tickle Ordeal - for TicklishFurry

Anticipation was killing him as he tried desperately but uselessly to dislodge the blindfold and get the fox off him. he didn't even try to start slow, or to let the wolf relax.

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Nathan's Tickle Ordeal - for TicklishFurry

Anticipation was killing him as he tried desperately but uselessly to dislodge the blindfold and get the fox off him. he didn't even try to start slow, or to let the wolf relax.

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Late Night Punishment

"sophia, this is for your own good because you won't want to see you skin got burned and torn," i said as i blindfolded her.

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Patience of the Thief

Finally free of the armbinder, she set about taking off the gag and blindfold too. for a moment, she thought something was wrong, as even with the blindfold off, she couldn't see.

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A schoolgirl crush.

Satisfied with that response, the gag was pulled the rest of the way off, taking the blindfold along with it.

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