The Swords that Bind- Part 4 The Quest for Knowledge

He stalked down the ramp, his covered feet clanging audibly as he descended. i walked briskly after him, not quite a march but certainly a walk of intent. as i descended, the spaceport was revealed in the harsh light.

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Training For The Job

Soon, a second spike descended from above, pinching him in two locations! as a third spike descended, another rose, starting up a rhythm of sharp impressions on his belly.

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Some days, he wondered who he was "descended" from.

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A Wintertime Warning

A creature was rapidly descending upon them from the sky. it had the body and head of a wolf-person and was nearly as white as the snow except for the gray bat wings that took the place of its arms.

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First Blood

The remaining starfighters and shuttles from the destroyed frigates were descending into the atmosphere ahead of them, but away to the east. "i don't think all those bases are ruined haze" commented jet as they watched their foes descend before them.

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TBE 7: Ramifications

They milked and squeezed him with focused curiosity, even as two lobes descended around them. the masses of flesh moved with deliberateness, warily descending toward his sensitive reaches.

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When Druids Cross Faction - The Story So Far

He refused to let her leave without first having his say, and so he chased her until again he caught her, and again they descended into a frenzied, ecstatic copulation.

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But as bad as they may be, or how stupid they might be, i knew that my time would come to descend once more to the cruel planet we called earth.

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Estrasa's Tower: Prologue

She discovered someone else, the descendant of a dragon. this descendant claimed to be named straiesha and appeared to be the writer of the book itself, or at least its current master.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Ice Path and Blackthorn City

After that was done i thanked furret and returned him to his pokeball before realising i needed to descend further down the cave.

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My Master

I groan as his hand descends to my shaft, which is smaller than that of my master's but one i am still quite proud of. his muzzle descends to inhale my musk, and his big wolf body shudders as he takes it in.

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Ancestral Reincarnation - Introducing Aapa

Their hands all still stroking their erect cocks as they descended upon the orc. his fellow warriors equipped with new bodies all descended upon their leader.

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