Chapter 11: Learning to Train

I may even get veemon to digivolve to ultimate alone for a change!" he grinned.

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Chapter 4: Epsilon's prisoner

Did you learn to digivolve further without your digivice like i did? that's great!" lillymon ran forward and hugged flamedramon. flamedramon shook his head. "i'm sorry. i'm not one of the original chosen digimon.


Ayame's Chronicles- Awakening of the Vixen

Pagumon digivolved to gotsumon and i digivolved into renamon." renamon turned back to gotsumon, who was now staring uneasily. "don't be shy now. this'll only hurt for a second."

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The Fire of Courage 01: First Impressions

"agumon, digivolve to... greymon!" matt, davis, cody, yolei, t.k., kari, and ken all digivolved their partners. flamedramon shook his head clear and stood ready. "okay, whoever you are," he muttered. "bring it on...."

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Lost in the Woods 09: Controlled

His hand pointed again to the sleeping digimon, and he began to feel the need to digivolve. _"flamon digivolve to..."_his cry echoed throughout the forest as the change occurred, and a different digimon stood in his place. _"agunimon!"

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shocking news

Koromon digivolved into snowangumon and dorimon digivolved into dorumon.

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Lost in the Woods 10: Nuts and Berries

Guilmon, help me digivolve!" after veemon digivolved into flamedramon, guilmon digivolved again. flamon decided not to. they vividly remembered where they had left wargreymon the last night, and they were there in minutes.

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Blood in the Moonlight 2

Angel was unsure if the digimon was even magnaangemon but she figured that if digimon could digivolve to a more powerful form then it was conceivable that they could un-digivolve. he jumped into her arms and nuzzled her.

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Chapter 7: Partners

"as digidestined, you must support and help your partner, that way, he'll digivolve." "digivolve?" mar even more confused than ever. "yay! i'll digivolve again!" demidramon cheered. "what? you already digivolved once?"

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Renaki and Silver's Oneshot Collection #4

"taka digivolve to..." it broke away as quickly as it came. "leormon!"

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The Digimon Wars Chapter 6 The Battle Begins

Michael had digivolved and was now leading his army as a virus metalgreymon. he could see emperorgreymon waiting for them, michael was a little intimared by him.

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End Game - Chapter 31 - And Release the Apocalypse

"reverse digivolve!" there was a blinding flash of light, and when the claws where removed, the digimon were back to their rookie forms, with the exception of gatomon. "we're not beat yet! come on everybody, digivolve again!" tai shouted.

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