A Silvergate story (Chapter 10/11) - Drowned

I displayed an agreeable smile. "tamed. that is what meleth said. i refused to believe it when i first heard that your will had been overcome. it was months ago, near cierra. the boneheads celebrated.

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A Silvergate story (Chapter 3/11) - Kingdom

Morning came as a surprise. So strong was my impression of impending apocalypse that I hadn't imagined daytime would ever return, but it did. I first heard the sound of chains, but it barely entered my consciousness until I felt myself being lowered....

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A Silvergate story (Chapter 11/11) - Dreams

Utterly intimidated, i nonetheless took up a decent display pose, with my back straight and my hands joined behind me. -- indeed. we are making good progress with his training. -- i'm surprised.

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A Silvergate story (Chapter 4/11) - Loyalty

I am fully aware that my display of your disgraced comrade is unsightly for you. but i am not a southern king. i will not passively wait out my reign, kindly wearing my duty like a chain.

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A Silvergate story (Chapter 2/11) - Coronation

I couldn't avoid displaying the way he'd damaged me. we reached the entrance hall. we stopped in front of the pillar with the metal ring embedded into it. with a sinking sentiment, i stood into place.

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Tales from Dragon Heaven - Feral Dragon Display (4/4)

At the moment however the display cage was empty and two signs were hanging over both sides leading into the room that read do not disturb.

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Tales from Dragon Heaven - Feral Dragon Display (3/4)

Tundra nodded and went over to where the other two had just gotten out of the display cage while pyre continued to wait for the two humans to come back.

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Tales from Dragon Heaven - Feral Dragon Display (2/4)

"but i did mention that there were two feral dragons that were going to be on display for the opening, not just one.

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Tales from Dragon Heaven - Feral Dragon Display (1/4)

"not that i'm one to naysay watching you get all bound up and put out there on display but i wanted to make sure that you thought this through.

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How the Bouncer Entertains Himself 12

Tags: m/m, slit sex, egg in cock slit, vibrator, public display, bouncing pov, orgasm, cum, edging, fingering, impending sex, dub-con, series, bar, club, crocodile, bear, size difference, rabbit, pre-cum, squirting pre-cum,

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The Latex Drug 4

display itself. that was what it needed to do, and it had yet to display the best part. sienna the valoinx drone fell to all fours, turning around and pulling at its ass cheeks, pulling them apart to show the pucker between.

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