Roll of Fate (7): Innocent Blood

One author from my world had said that no being is truly evil if you can understand what they want and why they act as they do. in a sense...i hoped that was true.

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The Tide of Darkness

However, his love for her is strong and knows no bounds, and finally he forsakes his evil ways to try and be with her.

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Run from this place... before all is destroyed with you in it... then your enemy will show himself... and then you must come up with your own plan... but know that all three of you must work together in the end to destroy the evil... else all is lost.

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Avarin Falls, Chapter 2: Sanna and the Giant Boar

Chapter Two "Tiko!" Kitari's voice echoed so resoundingly in the silence that Sunshine, startled, swiveled her head toward his outburst. The treacherous aerial course swiftly became deadly in Sunshine's moment of distraction. The Mori-ko screeched...

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Digidestiny a new hope

The seven deadly sins (a.k.a demon lords): the demon lords are digimon made of pure evil each standing for the seven deadly sins. before they ruled the digital world until they were sealed away by powerful digimon.

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Chris's voice echoed once more followed by his evil laughter before fading out completely. end flashback jolt finished saying and raised his bone blade once more."so i have no choice if i want to kill him myself!

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Valixai Information

Information for valixai **information** not much is known about the evil entity that calls itself valixai other then that its said to come from a universe that is beyond comprehension of the current nine.

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U.O.P.I. (Sneak peek) Bluey's nightmare.

-A dark old voice- We March, We fight, We die.... We March, We fight, We die.... We March, We fight, We die.... We March, We fight, We die.... We March, We fight, We die.... We March, We fight, We die.... We March, We fight, We die.... We March, We...

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Resident Evil 2 segment.

Well with resident evil 6 coming soon. i'd thought i'd post this segment i wrote awhile ago which follows the scene from resident evil 2 where dr. birkin injects himself with the g-virus.

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Flow, a name she chose for herself after her ordeal when she was younger. She had barely escaped with her life when the V'sori came, but they did not come for her, they came for her captor. His name was Scott Lexton, a geneticist of rather...

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The Rogue "Auramus" This is literally driving me crazy. I have been working for forty billion, three hundred and twenty eight million, six hundred and eleven thousand, nine hundred and fifty seven years. No food, no water, no breaks, nothing. I've...

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Umbrella Our time is running out Red and Black don the walls Consuming the world From person to person, soul to soul, life to life, Death around every corner They play with life, when said "It can be done" A nightmare had been...

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