Unstable Future - Chapter 11

Miller," i said before turning back to talk to terry, "terry, about how much longer can this facility continue to function?"

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CE04 - places

Secondary function as a trench to defend against giants from the south. a battle with a dragon in the quarry caused the ignition in the depths.

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Independent: Chapter 2

"yeah, people can steal your function. only if you die, though." "he was going to actually kill me? for a function?" "hey, functions are powerful things. corporations basically started as independents with powerful functions.

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Digimon Defenders FAQ

These functions range from the mundane (calculators, human internet browsers, communication functions) to the more specialized (scanners, law enforcement databases, transmitting the defenders' vitals to a base).

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Minds: "Prologue"

Special function. what is a human when you yank their special function from their clawed grip? they become animals; nowhere near the top of the food chain. why do you lock us up and protect us when, on a daily basis, you tout us as crazy?

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Now's my time appropriate to die just a waste of life seen right through i'm nothing of use functionality neglected purposes have been abused (i think these were my bros words)


A New Awakening

His visualised form shuddered violently, and inside his processing core a sudden shift in priority for memory and other such functions took place. "oh. that was... that was an extremely pleasant feeling. i...

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Substitution - Chapter 6

"the functional parts of his brain have established themselves. his neo-body is perfectly within our expected parameters.

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Come With Us To Gomorrah, The Flesh Is Weak

Every change of texture and tone, shape and function was exhilarating.

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Hypnovember 2023 - Day 20: Reversal (Claimed by MrPsuedonym)

The last thought he managed to form before completely fading away into fork's grip was that it was really unfortunate he had already triggered the synth's memory function off.

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Spirit Bound: Chi

Very yin chi can also trick the immune system into attacking the body itself, damaging normal tissue. 3) suppression of yang functions.

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